一、綜合測驗:選出合乎文法、用字、詞類及文意之最佳答案,以答案前的英文字母(A)、(B)、(C) 或(D) 作答。(20%) (一) _1_ that a man _2_ leave a perfectly good position _3_ he feels that his efforts are not being praised and recognized. He _4_ the fact that although he worked _5_ the call of duty and did an _6_ good job, _7_ of his superiors or equals showed any indication of having _8_ and appreciated it. His expectation is given a severe blow and _9_ , he resigns. This is _10_ any man of average ability or above would do. 1 (A)It is often happened (B)That is often happened (C)It often happens (D)This often happens
2 (A)may (B)should (C)must (D)won’t
3 (A)because (B)despite (C)in spite (D)though
4 (A)assents (B)absents (C)descends (D)resents
5 (A)above (B)below (C)under (D)on
6 (A)ordinary (B)ordinarily (C)extraordinary (D)extraordinarily
7 (A)every one (B)each one (C)some one (D)none
8 (A)permitted (B)remitted (C)recognized (D)rejected
9 (A)nevertheless (B)therefore (C)however (D)on the other hand
10 (A)what (B)whatever (C)why (D)how
(二) A trust is a property interest _11_ by one person, the trustee, at the _12_ of another, the settler, for the benefit of a third party, the _13_ . For a trust to be valid, _14_ must involve specific property, reflect the settler’s intent, and _15_ created for a lawful purpose. _16_ that _17_ there are sufficient grounds for imposing a constructive trust, the court constructs a trust. A constructive trust is the formula through _18_ the conscience of equity finds expression. When property _19_ in such circumstances that the holder of the legal title may not in good conscience _20_ the beneficial interest, equity converts him into a trustee. 11 (A)hold (B)to hold (C)held (D)to be held
12 (A)inquest (B)request (C)inquiry (D)requiem
13 (A)benefactor (B)benefactress (C)beneficent (D)beneficiary
14 (A)it (B)there (C)he (D)they
15 (A)be (B)to be (C)being (D)that
16 (A)It sometimes says (B)It is sometimes said (C)It is sometimes to say (D)There’s no saying
17 (A)because (B)because of (C)though (D)when
18 (A)them (B)it (C)that (D)which
19 (A)has required (B)has been required (C)has acquired (D)has been acquired
20 (A)obtain (B)attend (C)retain (D)sustain
二、寫出一句合乎邏輯及正確文法之英文句子,針對問題提出解決方法。每個方法不得重覆。(20%) Example: The air in the city is becoming worse and worse. Solution: The factories must be moved out of the city. 1 Rivers, lakes and oceans are becoming more polluted.
2 Too much paper is used.
3 The cutting down of forests is a problem.
4 We produce too much garbage.
5 We use too much electricity.
6 We are short of petroleum.
7 Privilege and authority is seriously abused.
8 The population of the world is growing too quickly.
9 There are too many pirated copies in the market.
10 A famous movie star’s or a TV star’s name or photograph is used to increase the benefits of a product without that person’s permission.
三、翻譯:(40%) (一)英翻中:請將下列兩小題英文譯成中文 1 The Agreement has been executed and delivered in a text using the English language, which text, despite any translations into the Japanese language, shall be controlling. This Agreement, however, shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan.
2 A common misconception is that only directors and upper management can be convicted of insider trading. Anybody who has material and non-public information can commit such an act. This means that nearly anybody- including brokers, family, friends and employees- can be considered an insider.
(二)中譯英:請將下列兩小題中文譯成英文 1 在台灣長期耕耘及贊助特定公益之企業其實不少,有如輔導志工的培訓、聽障兒童教育訓練以及支持拍攝生態紀錄片等都已有相當不錯的成果。
2 離婚案件中最困難的問題就是孩子的監護權。父母親應知其在法律上的權利與責任。若遇到無法解決或紛爭時,法官或家庭諮商服務單位必須介入調停,考慮雙方的個性及撫養能力,協助作出最佳之決定。
四、英文作文:(以約 100-150 字為限)(20%) Democracy and Law