On 25 November 2024, the Ministry of Justice announced the "Regulations on Reporting, Updating, and Disclosing Trustee Information for Non-Trust Enterprises under Paragraph 6, Article 11 of the Money Laundering Control Act" (Regulations). We summarize below:
(1)The Regulations apply to designated non-financial enterprises or persons serving as trustees, as well as other legal persons outside the scope of designated non-financial businesses or persons.
(2)The information to be reported includes:
(a)For natural persons: name, nationality, date and place of birth, household registration address, residential address, national identification number, and tax identification number or equivalent information in the country of residence.
(b)For legal persons: name, nationality, representative, office or business address, and tax identification number.
(c)Other relevant information necessary to identify the individual or entity.
(3)The initial reporting of information must be completed within 30 days of the establishment of the fiduciary relationship; updates to the reported information must be completed within 30 days of any changes.
(4)Trustees of non-trust enterprises must proactively disclose their position in the trust when using trust property to:
(a)Establish business relationships with financial institutions or designated non-financial enterprises or persons.
(b)Conduct temporary transactions with a single or cumulative amount of NT$500,000 or more (including equivalent amounts in foreign currency).
(5)The Regulations shall come into effect on 30 November 2024.
Reported by: Stacy Lo / Sunny Lan
惇安法令雙週刊 第 453 期