立法院於 2015 年 11 月 20 日三讀通過「老人福利法」部分條文修正草案,茲整理重點如下:
報告人: 羅祖芳律師/管乃茹律師
On November 20, 2015, the Legislative Yuan passed its three readings of the amendment to the “Senior Citizens Welfare Act” (“Act”). We summarize the key points below:
(1)The residency period limit regarding the application requirements of living subsidies and special care subsidies for medium-low income elders are cancelled.
(2)The cash payment or subsidy the seniors are entitled to under this Act shall not be seized, assigned or provided as collateral.
(3)The competent authority for housing is added to be responsible for social housing for seniors and planning and promoting home purchase/rental assistance.
(4)The responsibility of competent authorities for financial industry is added to encourage trust enterprises and financial enterprises to provide property trust services.
Reported by: Stacy Lo / Naiju Kuan
惇安法令雙周刊 第 237 期