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網路直播電子遊戲的著作權議題-兼論合理使用的空間(The copyright issue of live stream video games: with the discussion on the space of fair use)
編著譯者: 洪國華
出版日期: 2017.10
資料來源: 台灣 2017 智慧財產權理論與實務國際研討會
頁  數: 24 點閱次數: 2284
下載點數: 96 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 洪國華
關 鍵 詞: 網路直播電子遊戲電子競技合理使用實況主
中文摘要: 玩電子遊戲在現代是人民生活中不可或缺的娛樂,玩家於進行遊戲之餘,透過網路將遊戲過程進行實況,或觀看其他玩家遊玩的過程,在台灣是常見的社會現象。甚至,在韓國許多電子遊戲競賽透過網路平台進行實況直播,如同體育競技可吸引大批觀眾,但卻曾發生遭到遊戲開發商主張侵權的情形。中國亦有案例為未經授權而轉播他人實況遊戲之畫面,而遭法院判定侵權。台灣雖然在直播產業或是電競產業,未如中國或韓國發達,但直播或觀看他人遊戲畫面,在民間均相當常見,且政府近來多有政策希望透過扶植相關產業,相關著作權問題,自有討論之必要。直播遊戲畫面,於權利人的面向來說,會涉及遊戲開發商之著作權,另外就玩家或轉播單位等直播者來說,遊玩或直播過程亦可能被視為新的創作活動,得主張著作權保護;而就使用者的面向來說,直播遊戲畫面在現行著作權法上,並無豁免規定得以適用,僅能主張合理使用,然而合理使用在實務上案例較少,且通常較易成立合理使用時,著作權人往往本就不會追究,實際效果不彰,建議修法擴張得豁免使用的範圍,以兼顧遊戲開發商的權利與網友直播與觀看遊戲的自由,且在直播遊戲的現象盛行後,應可間接促進台灣未來的遊戲或直播產業的發展。
英文關鍵詞: live streamvideo gamesesportsfair usestreamer
英文摘要: Playing video games is an indispensable entertainment in modern daily life. It is common in Taiwan that players, when playing video games, broadcast it live on the internet or watch other players play on line. In Korea, esports, like many other sports, is broadcast live on line to attract audiences, despite sparking controversies of video game publishers accusing infringements. In China, there are also cases in which video games was broadcast live on line without authorization, and were adjudicated as infringements. In Taiwan, though live broadcasting industries and esports industries are not as flourished as in Korea or China, it is usual to live broadcast video games. Besides, recently government policies are abound aimed at folstering industries concerned. It follows that discussing copyright issues concerned is necessary. For rights holders, live broadcasting video games involves video game publishers’ copyright. For players and streamers, it could be regarded as new creations and thus they can argue for protection. For users, the current copyright law offers no exemption, so they could only resort to fair use. However, there is only few cases concerning fair use, and in the circumstances when fair use does stand, copyright holders usually choose not to call to account, rendering fair use useless. This Article suggests revising the copyright law to expand exemption, striking balance between publishers’ rights and users’ freedom to broadcast and watch, and in so doing promoting the development of video games and streaming industries in Taiwan.
目  次: 壹、引言:有看過別人直播玩遊戲嗎?
洪國華,網路直播電子遊戲的著作權議題-兼論合理使用的空間,2017 智慧財產權理論與實務國際研討會,2017年10月。