關 鍵 詞: |
基本國策;人權;國家組織;環境政策;修訂;限制;可持續發展 |
中文摘要: |
基本國策,人權和國家機構是台灣憲法的三大部分。然而,不像其他人那樣,基本的國家政策在憲法的討論和討論中並不是一個主要的問題。本文試圖從特徵和效果的角度討論這個被忽視的問題。作者得出了與過去不同的新結論:基本國策政策制約了行政,立法和司法制度。因此,立法者應考慮和遵守憲法中的國家基本政策規則。司法機關,特別是在執法審查時,要遵守國家根本政策決定的價值,行政執法力量也是如此 其次,本文討論了我們關於環境國家政策的憲法修正案。我們把注意力集中在憲法的意義和價值上。這樣可以在將來具體討論我們的環境政策。
英文關鍵詞: |
fundamental state-policy;human rights;state organization;environmental policy;amendments;restriction;sustainable development |
英文摘要: |
Fundamental state-policy, Human rights and state organization are the three main parts of Taiwan's constitution. However, not like the others,fundamental state-policy has not been a main issue in the discussion arid researh of constitution yet. This; article tries to discuss this neglected issue from the perspective of characteristic and effect. The author got a new conclusion different from the past: fundamental state-policy has take effect to restrict the executive, the legislative and the judiciary. As a result, legislators shall consider and obey the rules of fundamental state-policy in the constitution. The judiciary, especially when enforcing judicial review, shall obey the value decided by fundamental state policy, so does the executive enforcing their power. Secondly, this article discusses our constitutional amendments regarding to the environmental state-policy. We focus our attention on their meaning and value in the effect of constitution. This way could discuss our environmental policy concretely in the future.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、基本國策 一、淵源 二、意義與概念區辨 三、分類 四、作用與效力 五、憲法中宜否增刪基本國策之論爭 參、環境基本國策 一、德國基本法上之環境基本國策 二、我國憲法上之環境基本國策 肆、結論
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