關 鍵 詞: |
1934 年證券交易法;1933 年證券法 Section 17(a);賣空;要約;出賣;反詐欺禁止條款 |
中文摘要: |
1. 法條(1933 年證券法Section 17(a))的文字並未要求詐欺的被害人必須限於是投資人,而僅要求詐欺發於發生於要約或出賣。 2. Section 17(a)(1)並未規定,造成購買人的損害係詐欺之構成要件。 3. 聯邦最高法院或國會從未認為 1933 年證券法的立法目的僅有「保護投資人」一項……保護投資人免受證券詐欺毫無疑問是本法的關鍵內容,但是「使證券業達到高標準的商業倫理規範」也是本法的另一個規範重心……將證券經紀商排除在 Section 17(a)的保障範圍外,會造成一個國會所未預期到的法律漏洞。
英文關鍵詞: |
Securities Exchange Act of 1934;Section 17(a) of Securities Act of 1933;short selling;offer;sale;antifraud prohibition |
英文摘要: |
(The statutory language does not require that the victim of the fraud be an investor -- only that the fraud occur “in” an offer or sale.) ([N]othing in subsection (1) of § 17 (a) creates a requirement that injury occur to a purchaser.) (But neither this Court nor Congress has ever suggested that investor protection was the sole purpose of the Securities Act…. Prevention of frauds against investors was surely a key part of that program, but so was the effort “to achieve a high standard of business ethics . . . in every facet of the securities industry.” …Placing brokers outside the aegis of § 17 (a) would create a loophole in the statute that Congress simply did not intend to create.)
目 次: |
判決要旨 關鍵詞 事實 判決 理由
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