關 鍵 詞: |
WTO;DSB;條約解釋;解釋方法論;文義解釋;目的解釋;體系解釋;歷史解釋;多元解釋;協調性解釋 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
WTO;DSB;Treaty Interpretation;Methodology of Interpretation;Literal Interpretation;Object and Purpose Interpretation;Systematic Interpretation;Historical Interpretation;Pluralistic Interpretation;Harmonious Interpretation |
英文摘要: |
This article focuses on the methodology of legal interpretation in the numerous cases in the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Based on the general methodology of Treaty Interpretation in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and international jurisprudences, it articulates different methods of interpretation, i.e. literal interpretation, object and purpose interpretation, systematic interpretation and historical interpretation, used by the DSB in WTO disputes, to explain that there is no general theory of legal interpretation for the ad hoc deliberation of WTO/DSB, and there appears a tendency of pluralistic interpretation. However, there exists some external limit for the DSB in that the DSB can not add to or diminish the rights and obligations of WTO members according to the Understanding of Dispute Settlement, and some internal limit in that the DSB tries to find a harmonious way for the interpretation for relevant disputes. Therefore, it is still pending to develop some balance between the judicial activism and the self-restraint exigency of the DSB. Besides, when returning back to the perspective of pure interpretation methodology, although it seems normal to be of some pluralistic development, the line between legal interpretation and judicial law-making still appears vague.
目 次: |
前言 壹、DSB 多元解釋方法之呈現 一、維也納條約法公約之解釋方法 二、DSB 之多元實踐 貳、DSB 多元解釋方法之限制 一、DSU 第 3.2 條與相關案例中之限制 二、法學方法論上的解釋界線 結論
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