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由發展理論探討多元環境正義(Pluralistic Environmental Justice An Examination from Development Theory)
編著譯者: 許耀明
出版日期: 2014.09
出 版 社: 台灣 碩亞數碼科技
I S B N: 9789868639898
集叢名稱: 台灣 環境正義:理論與行動
頁  數: 16 點閱次數: 669
下載點數: 64 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 許耀明
關 鍵 詞: 正義環境氣候變遷多元主義發展
中文摘要: 在法理學領域,有兩種關於正義之概念,其一為普遍主義者之冀望,其二為多元化之真實。根據此分類,本文首先將討論普遍環境正義可能產生之眾多爭論,例如:植基於諾齊克(Robert Nozick)自由主義之權利理論、經濟假設建構的功利主義、Waker 提出之社群主義、羅爾斯(John Rawls)主張之差異原則、康德道德無上命令觀點,以及反對普遍正義理論但以普遍人性為基礎之德性理論等。
英文關鍵詞: JusticeEnvironmentClimate ChangePluralismDevelopment
英文摘要: In the field of legal philosophy, there are two trends of the conception of Justice. One is universalist aspirations, and the other is pluralistic realities. According to this division, this article will at first describes the numerous possible arguments of universal environmental justice, such as Entitlement Theory based on the libertarianism of Nozick, Utilitarianism constructed on the economic presumptions, Communitarianism proposed by Walzer, Difference Principle advocated by Rawls, Kantian Approaches for moral categorical imperatives, Virtue Theory on denying a universal theory of justice but based on the common humanity, and so on.
Subsequently, the author will try to illuminate the unreality of this universal trend, and propose a pluralistic approach for the conception of environmental justice, especially from the synthesis of perspectives of distribution, recognition, participation and capacities. In terms of distribution, it is recognized that a major dispute in international environmental justice is the distribution of resources, both in individual level and international level. Further, the equal rights of everybody and the respect of sovereignty lead to a temporary conclusion in that equity remains. Besides, in addition to the substantial part of justice, the procedural requirements seem to be indispensable that the guarantee of participation for any decision-making allows its legitimacy. In the end, we will also announce that everyone and every state should be well-equipped of relevant capacities for the participation and the implementation of decisions.
In the second part of this article, its major concern is a testing of this pluralistic approach in concrete international arena for the development of international environmental justice. As for almost all of the global environmental problems, such as the impacts of the Climate Change, needs absolutely some kind of immense international cooperation, the author will try to use the Development Theory to analyze the "West/Third World" and the "Developed/Developing Countries" oppositions among sovereign states, and demonstrate that a pluralistic interpretation for all fields of interdependency among all the states will be suitable to explain the possible cooperation in achieving the global environmental justice.
In the light of the sub-theories of Development Theory, such as Modernization Theory, Dependency Theory, Institutional Development Theories, Marxist Development Theory, Globalism, Neoliberalism, Industrial-Capitalism, and the new general approaches to Development (which proposed a dynamics of complex change and a plural modernity, for example, the Neo-Modernization Theory), I conclude temporarily that none of these paradigms could solely explain the dilemmas in international environmental justice and could propose a universal solution for the conflicts between the developed and developing countries, such as we have seen in the Copenhagen Conference. In contrast, while accepting the pluralistic view of international environmental justice, a complex of development possibilities would bring the international society to a harmonized commensurability, in which all the substantial and spiritual needs of every state will be satisfied.
目  次: 一、引言