關 鍵 詞: |
國際運輸;華沙公約;海牙議定書;法律衝突;司法管轄權;準國際私法;區際法律衝突;地方法律衝突 |
中文摘要: |
目 次: |
1.Introduction 2. Is the Warsaw Convention or the Warsaw Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol Applicable to Carriage between Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China? 2.1 Is Taiwan a party to the Warsaw Convention or Warsaw as amended by the Hague Protocol? 2.2 Is the flight between Taiwan through Hong Kong to Mainland China an international carriage? 2.3 The Legal Effect of the Adherent Clauses on Applicable Law in International Air Transport Contract 3. Conflicts of Laws in Air Transport between Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China When the Warsaw or the Warsaw Convention as Amended by the Hague Protocol Are Not Applicable 3.1 Quasi-private InternationaI Law (Inter-regional Conflict of Laws or Inter-local Conflict of Laws)
(Article As Follow) 3.2 Jurisdictional Competence 4. Conclusion
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