關 鍵 詞: |
基本權功能;司法審查 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
basic rights;functions of basic rights;judicial review |
英文摘要: |
The functions of basic rights refer to the meanings of rights that the Constitution accords to people, or the meanings of the obligations that the Constitution imposes on the state. The purpose of this paper is to observe and analyze how the Grand Justices, wtio are responsible for interpretation of the Constitution, have shaped and developed the functions of basic rights. The paper finds that the Grand Justices have, directly or indirectly, developed the following functions of basic rights . . . the right to defend, the right to receive benefit, the right to be protected, the right of procedural safeguard, and the right of institutional protection. The last one, i.e. the right of institutional protection, oyerlaps to a certain extent with the other four. Except the right to defend, the other four functions are newly developed ones, with the com-mon feature of imposing on the state the obligation to take positive step. In the modern industrialized society, the increasing dependence of individuals on the society has made them less capable of being “self sufficient”. The functions of basic rights newly developed by the Grand Justices, which provide a theoretical basis for imposing on the state obligations to actively assist the realization of basic rights, represent a very valuable legal development.
目 次: |
一、前言 二、獨領風騷的防禦權功能 三、少有機會表示意見的受益權功能 四、萌芽中的保護義務功能 五、異軍突起的程序保障功能 六、內涵有待澄清的制度保障功能 七、結語
相關法條: |
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