關 鍵 詞: |
國民參與司法;陪審;參審;裁判員制;檢察審查會;公設辯護;集中審理 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Jury;Mixed Panel;Right to Public Council;Discovery;Efficient Trial Proceedings |
英文摘要: |
Japan is now reforming its criminal justice system in a large scale and by a legitimate process. As to criminal procedure, there are three big points concluding: to admit citizens to participate in the judge so called Saibanin jury-mixed panel; a suspect into custody has the right to get legal assist form lawyers appointed by the court; and discovery in the pretrial stage also. The goals of these reforms are mainly to prevail democracy into criminal justice, to enhance the suspect’s right to public council and to promote the efficiency of criminal proceedings. From a viewpoint of comparative law, although it is arguable and impractical to adopt jury under our existing system of criminal procedure as Japan did, it is much helpful and valuable for us to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the mixed panel system of Japan.
目 次: |
壹、改革之源起及問題意識 一、改革的三部曲 二、刑事司法改革的特徵 貳、司改審議會有關刑事司法制度之改革建言 一、審判的充實、迅速化 二、公設辯護制度之整備 三、新時代之偵查、及公判應有之方式 四、提起公訴應有之方式及檢察制度 五、犯罪人之更生、被害者保護等 六、裁判員制度的引進 參、國民參與刑事司法 一、裁判員制度的引進 二、有關檢察審查會的改革 肆、檢討與借鏡
相關法條: |
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