論著名稱: |
勞動法上合意終止契約、調職、同時履行抗辯權與雇主不依契約給付報酬之認定與適用問題之研究 ( A Study on the Issues Concerning Termination of Contract by Agreement, Transfer of Works, Recoupment Right, and Failure of an Employer to Pay Wages According to Employment contract in Labour Law) 文獻引用 |
編著譯者: |
王松柏 |
出版日期: |
2000.12.01 |
刊登出處: |
台灣/東吳法律學報/第 12 卷 第 2 期/89-120 頁 |
頁 數: |
32 |
點閱次數: |
856 |
標 籤: |