關 鍵 詞: |
聽證程序;專利舉發;新穎性;行政爭訟 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
oral proceedings;patent cancellations;novelty;appeal |
英文摘要: |
Oral proceedings may take place at the instance of the European Patent Office during a patent substantial examination, and became an article in the European Patent Convention. Oral proceedings shall take place before the Examining divisions, the Opposition Divisions and the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office. In Taiwan, there are general oral proceedings in the administrative proceedings law instead of special oral proceedings in patent law. In this article, the necessities and benefits of oral proceedings in either examinations of patent cancellations, or verification of the state of the art comprising everything made available to the public in the new amendment of patent law, have been studied.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、現行制度概述 參、現行制度下的實務問題 一、行政處分前相對人意見之聽取 二、言詞辯論問題 三、訴願前置主義 肆、聽證程序的運用 一、所依據法規之位階不同 二、通知的程序不同 三、公開與非公開 四、主持人資格及協助人員 五、主持人權限不同 六、預備聽證 七、紀錄的製作 伍、聽證程序的效益 一、解決行政處分前相對人意見之聽取問題 二、對於技術問題的言詞辯論 三、免除訴願前置 四、專業人力的進階養成 陸、外國的制度與經驗 柒、聽證的必要性 捌、結論
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