關 鍵 詞: |
世界貿易組織;與貿易有關智慧財產權協定;發明專利;新式樣;新穎性;進步性;產業可利用性;可專利客體;平行輸入;爭端解決 |
中文摘要: |
在知識經濟的時代裡,甚少產品或服務不涉及商標、專利、著作權及營業秘密等智慧財產權。資訊科技與國際交通的一日千里,使得天涯若比鄰·而知識經濟全球化的結果,更使得智慧財產權滲透到國際投資與跨國服務的領域。本文鑑於 TRIPS,尤其是專利與工業設計權,在 WTO 架構內與日俱增的重要性,於介紹相關基本原則後,根據 TRIPS 之規定,區分發明專利與工業設計(新式樣)來加以採討,而且由於 TRIPS 是融合英美及歐陸智慧財產權法制所得之成果,本文遂探討英美及德國之相關法律,然後以之作為檢討 TRIPS 及我網及中共相關落實規定的基準。 WTO 有感於傳統國際智慧財產權保護公約之抉乏執行力與強制力,希望藉助於 GATT 之爭端解決機制,以落實智慧財產權之保護,遂將 TRIPS 納入 WTO 的傘狀架構中。由此可見,WTO 的爭端解決機制在此一方面之重要性,雖然現在有開智慧財產權之爭端解決案例大多以歐美為原告,隨著我國科技的提昇,將來我國根據爭端解決機制要求與其他會員國諮商.或甚至提起控訴的機會將大增。因此,我國應當積極從事此方面之研究以妥為因應。
英文關鍵詞: |
WTO;TRIPS;patent;industrial design;novelty;inventive step ;industrial application;utility;patentable subject matter;parailcl import ;disputc scttlement |
英文摘要: |
In the era of knowledge-based economy, almost all kinds of goods and services have something to do with intellectual property rights. In addition to that, information technology and cross-border transportation techniques have made the world a global village. This means that international transactions including foreign direct investments and cross-border provision of services cannot do without intellectual property rights. Given the ever-increasing importance of TRIPS, this paper examines Taiwan and China ’s implementation of TRIPS after discussing the relevant legal issues in Anglo-American law and German law of patent and industrial design. The reason why TRIPS was brought into the umbrella framework of WTO is that traditional intellectual property right conventions lack the mechanism to enforce themselves. Since 1947, GATT has established a remarkable dispute settlement regime through more than half a century of practice. This regime has now been renewed and broadened to cover service trade disputes and intellectual property disputes. We should make the best use of it, and use it to protect our country’s interests.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、基本原則 一、國民待遇原則 二、最惠國待遇原則 三、權利耗盡 四、不正競爭 參、發明專利 一、發明之種類 二、化學發明 三、專利之實體要件 四、專利之程序性要件 五、權利內容與限制 肆、工業設計(新式樣) 伍、結論
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