關 鍵 詞: |
政府委託研究計畫;政府補助研究計畫;政府採購;評鑑制度 |
中文摘要: |
目前各級政府機關每年編列公務預算,或透過其主管運用之政府基金委託或補助研究機構進行研究計畫,以因應業務需要、擬訂施政方針或促進產業科技的發展,已成為政府履行其公共任務所不可或缺之重要手段。惟研究機構是否有能力進行研究計畫,需要一套有效的評鑑或評選制度。本文旨在以建立對研究機構評鑑制度為核心,探討相關法制之問題,並進一步探討對於受政府委託或補助之研究機構進行評鑑,現行制度為何,其法制化之問題何在,以及建構合理化之研究機構評鑑制度之法令規章。 由於其涉及之層次廣泛,本文嘗試就委託及補助研究計畫的法律性質著手分析,以政府採購法及其相關子法為核心,論述評鑑制度法制化之相關問題,初步認為評鑑制度無論其所涉及之法律性質係公法抑或私法關係,理論上應皆有平等原則之適用,基本權利亦有直接適用之空間,在程序上亦應有行政程序法之適用。
英文關鍵詞: |
Government subcontractor;Government subsidization;Government procurement;Evaluation system |
英文摘要: |
Making the annual official budget by the government is one of the most important means nowadays to carry out public tasks. In order to meet the need of operating official affairs, to decide the government policy, or to improve the industrial and technical developments, the government would grant subsidies to the research institute to work on the research project; this is another very important means to carry out public tasks. First of all, it is essential to establish an effective evaluation system to select the competent research institute. The objective of this paper is doing the research on the evaluation system, discussing some legal issues connected with the evaluation system as to the current evaluation system and the problem of the legalizing as well as how to make the regulation to establish the rationalized evaluation system of the research institute. Since the topic is extremely comprehensive, the author will start with analyzing the legal nature of entrusting and subsidizing research projects by the government. Furthermore, under the frame work of the Government Procurement Law and the related law, the author will discuss the legal problem that is related to the legalizing of the evaluation system. The author takes the opinion that-whether the legal nature of the evaluation system is private or public-the principle of equality and the Law of Administrative Procedural should be applied. Also the fundamental rights should have direct application in this case.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、政府委託或補助研究計畫之法律依據及其性質 一、政府委託或補助研究計畫之法律依據 二、政府委託或補助研究計畫之法律性質及決定程序適用之法規 參、政府委託或補助研究計畫與研究機構評鑑制度之法制化 一、概念之釐清 二、對政府委託或補助研究計畫對象進行評鑑之法律依據 三、評鑑制度之法制化問題 肆、結論
相關法條: |
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