關 鍵 詞: |
法理學;實踐法學;分析哲學;批判的理性主義;楊日然;碧海純一;卡爾‧巴柏 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Jurisprudence;Practical Jurisprudence;Analytical Philosophy;Critical Rationalism;Zu-zan Yang;Junichi Aomi;Karl Popper |
英文摘要: |
Zu-zan Yang’s studies on jurisprudence or legal dogmatics were originally based on Junichi Aoimi’s concepts derived from analytical philosophy and ultimately oriented towards Karl Popper’s opinions on critical rationalism. This integral point of view provided him with the methodological guidelines for his constitutional interpretations during his tenure as Justice. This article holds that Yang’s integral arguments on jurisprudence, legal dogmatics and even constitutional interpre-tations might be understood as practical jurisprudence towards critical rationalism.
目 次: |
壹、楊日然的法理學研究 貳、碧海純一的分析哲學-從邏輯經驗主義到現代的理性主義 參、巴柏的批判理性主義 一、對於邏輯經驗主義的批判 二、從易誤論到科學的客觀性 三、社會哲學上的運用 肆、批判理性主義的實踐法學
相關法條: |
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