關 鍵 詞: |
與貿易有關智慧財產權協定;巴黎公約;商標能力;識別能力;識別性;顯著性;圖文表示;立體形狀商標;顏色商標;聲音商標 |
中文摘要: |
本文之主要內容乃藉 WTO/TRIPs 等國際規範之內容討論我國商標法在民國九十二年所修正之有關商標能力之規定。由於我國已是 WTO 之會員國,因此,商標法之修法須注意與 TRIPs 及其所引用之巴黎公約等國際規範相配合。本次修法之努力,基本上值得肯定,然而,有待商榷之處仍多,例如未仔細區分商標能力(含識別能力)與識別性之概念、圖文表示之規定有欠妥適等。此些問題皆已於本文中藉由 TRIPs 及巴黎公約等國際規範之內容加以探討,並已提出具體之修法建議。
英文關鍵詞: |
TRIPs;Paris Convention;the Requirements for Trademark Capability;Capable of Distinguishing;Capacity to Distinguish;Distinctiveness;Graphical Representation;Trade Dress;Color Mark;Sound Mark |
英文摘要: |
The main contents of this article are to use TRIPs and its relevant international norms to discuss and analyze the 2003 amendments to the R.O.C. Trademark Law, especially the provisions about the requirements for trademark capability. Taiwan is a WTO member. Consequently,the trademark law and its amendments must conform to the rules of TRIPs and the provisions of Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property that have been incorporated into TRIPs by article 2 of TRIPs. The 2003 amendments are laudable. There are still some drawbacks, however, for example, failure to distinguish carefully the concepts of trademark capability (including the capability of distinguishing) and distinctiveness. In addition,the provisions about graphical representation of trademarks are also flawed. These problems have been dealt with in this article, and concrete amendment recommendations have been made.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、標識之概念與其體系 參、標識能力與商標能力 一、自主性 二、單一性 三、能以圖文表示性 四、識別能力 肆、英國法上具體商標能力途徑之商榷 伍、TRIPs 與我國相關規定之探討 陸、我國所承認之新型式商標之個別探討 一、立體形狀 二、顏色及其組合 三、聲音商標 柒、結論
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