關 鍵 詞: |
證券詐欺;1995 年民事證券訴訟改革法;明確線標準;實質參與標準;幫助責任;主要責任;次要責任;主要行為人;次要行為人 |
中文摘要: |
美國證券詐欺法制的發展,最重要的二個法令為 1934 年證券交易法 Section 10(b) 及證管會頒布之 Rule 10b-5 。 Section 10(b) 原本沒有明示訴權的規定,美國法院透過解釋的方法,將 Section 10(b) 解為存在「默示訴權」,此舉等於是承認了證券詐欺「主要行為人」之民事責任。 Central Bank 案前,許多的法院均承認 Section 10(b) 之默示訴權及於律師、會計師及銀行等「次要行為人」(即幫助人及造意人),但由於法院間之見解有分歧的現象,因此聯邦最高法院有意透過 Central Bank 案將幫助責任的爭議彌平;於本案中,法院斷然地將幫助責任排除於 Section 10(b) 之外,雖然使得幫助責任不再存續,卻未能消除次要行為人責任的爭議,只是使爭議的核心,由「次要行為人是否負幫助責任」轉變成「次要行為人應如何負主要責任」,而且爭議更烈。
英文關鍵詞: |
securities fraud;Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995;bright line test;substantial participation test;aiding and abetting liability;primary liability;secondary liability;primary violator;secondary actor |
英文摘要: |
Two most important ordinances in the U.S. securities fraud regime are Section 10(b) of Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated by SEC. Section 10(b) did not contain express private right of action in the first place, but Federal Court construed that Section 10(b) contained an implied private right of action, it equaled to recognize the Civil Liability of “primary actor” exists in securities fraud. Before Central Bank, many courts recognized that the implied right of Section 10(b) included “secondary actor”-aider and abettor-, such as lawyer, accountant and bank. Owing to the conclusions among courts divided, the Federal Supreme Court attempted to reconcile the dispute of aiding and abetting liability through Central Bank. In Central Bank, court precluded the aiding and abetting liability from Section 10(b) expressly, it made the aiding and abetting liability no longer existed, however, it cannot diminish the dispute of secondary actor’s liability, it just switched the core issue “if secondary actor should bear the aiding and abetting liability” into “how secondary actor bear primary liability”, and the controversy is bitter.
目 次: |
壹、緒論 貳、Central Bank 案之前 一、主要行為人責任之確立:默示訴權之承認 二、證券詐欺責任擴及於幫助人 三、幫助責任之性質 四、幫助責任之要件 五、幫助責任之分歧 參、幫助責任的震撼彈:Central Bank 案判決 一、本案事實 二、Section 10(b) 及 Rule 10b-5 的文義規定並不包含幫助責任 三、無法由其他明示訴因之規定得出幫助責任 四、國會對於幫助責任係故意採取沈默的態度 五、基於法律之確定性及可預測性亦不應承認幫助責任 六、應負刑事之幫助責任者並不當然應負民事之幫助責任 七、判決結果 肆、Central Bank 案之後 一、幫助責任不再 二、主要責任與次要責任的界線開始明確區分 三、次要行為人責任理論仍舊分歧 伍、訴訟改革法通過後對 Central Bank 案的影響-代結論
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