關 鍵 詞: |
國際貿易法;國際環境法;法規範衝突;基因改造生物體;生技產品案 |
中文摘要: |
本文從國際貿易法與國際環境法一般理論角度出發,討論 WTO 法規範體系與其他多邊環境協定之貿易措施間可能之衝突,並分析 WTO 貿易與環境委員會以及爭端解決機制對於前述衝突之防止與多邊主義協商方式之提倡。其次,針對前述解決方式之不足,本文從法律解釋與法規範衝突法則之角度,論述前述可能衝突之調和方式。最後,本文以新近 WTO 生技產品案報告為例,討論 WTO 爭端解決機制中適用其他國際法規範之可能性以為說明。
英文關鍵詞: |
international trade law;international law of environment;conflicts of norms;GMO;Biotech Products Case |
英文摘要: |
From general theories of international trade law and international law of environment, this article focuses on the possible conflicts between WTO legal systems and Multilateral Environmental Agreements. It illustrates the possible resolutions from the point of view of Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE) in WTO and its Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), and their promotion of multilateralism. Besides, this article analyses the possible resolutions from the legal interpretation and the rales of Conflicts of Norms, too. At last, it indicates an example of these possible conflicts and resolutions, the recent WTO Biotech Products Case, to demonstrate the possibility for the DSB to refer to others international norms in concrete cases.
目 次: |
1.前言 2.貿易與環境之衝突 3.貿易與環境之調和 4.其他國際規範於生技產品案之適用可能 5.結論
相關法條: |
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