關 鍵 詞: |
未遂犯;不能犯;不能未遂;普通未遂;障礙未遂;中止未遂;迷信犯;具體危險;抽象危險;著手 |
中文摘要: |
「不能犯」之概念,因受未遂犯處罰根據理論、各國刑法立法體例、乃至各國刑法之立法變遷諸種因素之影響,而呈現多樣風貌,難有定論。適值 94 年新修刑法,將不能犯予以除罪化,本文除探究不能犯概念在我國刑法之發展過程外,並特就我國刑法上新、制舊不能犯之意義、範圍與成立要件,予以分析,俾供各界判斷不能犯之參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
Criminal attempt;Impossible crime;Impossible attempte;Start to commit a crime;Abstract Potential damage;Material potential damage |
英文摘要: |
Because of the differences in theories to punish Criminal Attempt, the criminal lawsystem and the legislation in each country, the notion of the Incapable Crime has no consentconclusion. As the criminal law of Taiwan excluded the punishment of Incapable Crime in2005, in this article we not- only introduce the Incapable Crime development history but alsoanalyze the definition, scope and requirements of the Incapable Crime in Taiwan. Throughour study, we hope to present reference materials for future research.
目 次: |
壹、問題之所在 貳、我國刑法不能犯與未遂犯之立法沿革 參、未遂犯處罰根據與不能犯 肆、未遂犯成立要件 伍、舊制與新制之不能犯 陸、結語
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