  • 社群分享
編著譯者: 徐偉群
出版日期: 2007.12
刊登出處: 台灣/中原財經法學第 19 期/119-198 頁
頁  數: 40 點閱次數: 3003
下載點數: 160 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 徐偉群
中文摘要: 遺棄罪在我國一向被認為是一種殺人罪的補充規定,在當前的德國,則被解釋為重傷罪的補充規定。所謂補充規定,指的是我們把遺棄罪當作相對於各該實害犯的「故意危險犯」規定,用來處罰這些實害犯規定不能適用,但是仍然已經故意製造了生命或重大健康危險的行為。在此理解之下,遺棄罪在個案上的運用很容易引起一個疑問,即,一個被認為構成遺棄罪的故意危險行為為什麼不同時也構成殺人未遂或重傷未遂?針對這個問題,通說聲稱,遺棄罪所要求的主觀要件是「危險故意」,與殺人未遂或重傷未遂所要求的「實害故意」不同,因此兩造有所區別。然而,這裡所謂「危險故意」和「實害故意」的區別,是很值得懷疑的。因為從通說對「危險」概念的說法,即「危險是發生實害的高度可能性」來看,我們很難真的說「危險故意」和「實害故意」有什麼不同。

英文摘要: The criminal abandonment in Germany law (Aussetzung; StGB § 221) has been seen as an intentional crime against person, which previously referred only to life and presently to a broader conception of physical safety or health of a person. According to the dominant opinion, both academic and practical therein, the fault or subjective guilt requirement of criminal abandonment is the “intention of concrete endangerment”. ( der konkrete Gefährdungsvorsatz ) That is, the defendant must know that the abandonment would bring the victim into a “concrete risk” of life or bodily safety. What constitutes a problem is that, under such interpretation, the criminal abandonment could only be deemed as a specific type of attempted homicide or attempted physical offence in serious manner. More critically, it could only be deemed as a minor type of those crimes, so that it could lose all the pragmatic functions supposed by the legislators. The same problem comes across us too, since our law is an adoptive one. Such an odd situation urges us to reconsider the dogmatic work of the fault requirement of criminal abandonment.
With this respect, I will first go through the general dogmatic theories pertaining to the distinction between the concept “intention of endangerment” and the intention in principle, which is similar to the controversy between recklessness and intention in Anglo-American law. I will scrutinize the methodologies adopted in these established theories, and contend that there have been diversities in context when German scholars talked about the so called “intention of endangerment”. I assert that the “intention of endangerment” in German criminal law should be divided into two categories, the formal and the substantial one, which parallel to the “inadvertent recklessness” and “advertent recklessness” in Anglo-American law, and the former should be categorized as a “negligence” liability in serious grade. Upon these bases, I will further argue that it is plausible to redefine the fault requirement of the criminal abandonment as formal but not substantial “intention of endangerment”, i.e. as “inadvertent recklessness” (bewußte Fahrlässigkeit)rather than intention in principle, if we still insist that the criminal abandonment law play a pragmatic role in protecting people’s life or physical safety.
On the other hand, the subjective redefining work as mentioned above is not the only way to reserve the pragmatic function of the criminal abandonment. Actually our courts, unlike the German courts, often go beyond the established limits written in books, applying the criminal abandonment to those cases that should be considered absolutely of no danger caused by the abandonment. In other words, our courts have changed our criminal abandonment law into the criminal nonsupport law in German (Verletzung der Unterhaltungspflicht; StGB §§ 170, 171), or the criminal nonsupport or criminal abandonment law in U.S., which are supposed to defend a persons basic living welfare. After tracing the history of the criminal abandonment law in German, and after comparing the wording as well as the location in the criminal law system with the criminal nonsupport law as mentioned, I contend that our courts have plausibly provided an alternative way of interpretation, differing from that written in books, and given our criminal abandonment law a broader pragmatic function than the German’s, and what the courts have done is justifiable.
Since we have now two alternatives in interpreting our criminal abandonment law, and since ether of the two is justifiable, the remaining question of how to choose should depend on the ultimate thinking of our society about how far we would like our criminal law to go. There would not be any right or wrong answer. In my speculation, it might be relatively practical to urge to make a new law like the criminal nonsupport in German, and keep the criminal abandonment law interpreted as an inadvertent recklessness commitment to physical harm.

目  次: 壹、前言

徐偉群,論遺棄故意與遺棄罪的立法作用,中原財經法學,第 19 期,119-198 頁,2007年12月。