關 鍵 詞: |
世界貿易組織;關稅暨貿易總協定;反傾銷措施;反傾銷調查;中華人民共和國反傾銷條例;我國之對策與影響 |
中文摘要: |
近年來,中國大陸爲了保護自身產業,開始對其他各國(地區)實施反傾銷措施,其宣稱中國大陸啓用反傾銷手段,主要目的是爲了維護正常之國際貿易秩序、公平競爭之市場環境以及相關企業之合法權益,不會以反傾銷手段來限制正常之進口貿易。中國大陸近來反傾銷調查有三大特點:1. 案件急速增加;2. 涉案產品類型較集中:化工化纖、鋼鐡、造紙、光纖等產業;3. 涉案國家及地區較集中:特别高度集中在韓國、日本、美國、歐盟、俄羅斯和我國。 由於我國與中國大陸在政治上特殊之關係使然,有關經貿間之紛爭往往無法僅單純的就經濟面上解決。所以我方欲研擬中國大陸對我課徵反傾銷稅之應對之道,不可避免的除了在 WTO 架構下的解決方法之外,仍須對非在 WTO 架構之下的解決方法作探討,以期我國廠商及政府未來面對中國大陸對我方提起反傾銷案件時有萬全之準備。 本文先介紹 WTO 下之反傾銷協定及大陸的反傾銷法規,以說明大陸的反傾銷制度;再介紹數個大陸對我國所提出之反傾銷實例,並分析該實例提出作者之觀察;次說明大陸對我方提出反傾銷所造成之影響及我方可採取之對策;本文最後則針對廠商及政府,分别提出建議以因應中國大陸對反傾銷採取之措施。
英文關鍵詞: |
World Trade Organization (WTO);General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT);Antidumping Measures;Antidumping Investigation;Anti-dumping Statutes of People’s Republic of China;Impact on Taiwan and its Countermeasures |
英文摘要: |
In recent years, for the purpose of protecting its industries Mainland China has initiated anti-dumping investigation towards other countries or regions. As alleged, China would like to employ antidumping measures to maintain normal international trade order, fair market competition as well as relevant legitimate business interests, while these measures will not be used to restrict regular import trade. There are three special features in respect of Mainland China’s antidumping investigation lately; that is, (1) a rapid growth of cases, (2) products at issue have been focused on certain industries, and (3) those countries or regions involved are also concentrated; in particular, Korea, Japan, America, European Union, Russia and Taiwan. Due to the present special cross-strait relation by and between Taiwan and Mainland China, trade-related disputes involved thereof can be hardly resolved by pure economic methods. Therefore, in response to the China antidumping measures against Taiwan’s industries and enterprises, not only should we consider the WTO disputes settlement mechanism under the WTO, but non-WTO disputes resolution mechanism as well, in hope that we can be better prepared should China’s antidumping investigation arise. This paper will further introduce China’s antidumping laws and regulations as well as pertinent rules under the WTO regime. Then, hands-on cases brought lately will be given with analyses from the author’s perspective. Finally, feasible resolution and suggestions towards enterprises and authority in charge will be provided.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、大陸反傾銷制度 一、GATT 法規及 WTO 反傾銷協定 二、大陸反傾銷相關法規、程序及措施 參、大陸對我方提出反傾銷之評析-以冷軋鋼案爲主 一、案例介紹 二、觀察與分析 肆、大陸對我方提出反傾銷之影響 一、原料來源當地化 二、經濟優勢消失 三、連鎖效應 伍、我方面臨大陸反傾銷案之對策 一、WTO 架構下之解決途徑 二、非 WTO 架構下之解決途徑 陸、結論
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