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論一般給付訴訟與其他行政訴訟類型之關聯-以行政法院實務見解為核心 ( Action for Performance and Other Administrative Litigations in the Administrative Court)
編著譯者: 吳志光
出版日期: 2007.06
刊登出處: 台灣/輔仁法學第 33 期/45-85 頁
頁  數: 41 點閱次數: 1583
下載點數: 164 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 吳志光
關 鍵 詞: 一般給付訴訟撤銷訴訟課予義務訴訟行政契約行政處分
中文摘要: 行政訴訟法上一般給付訴訟與其他之行政訴訟種類之關聯,儘管行政訴訟法第 8 條定有明文,司法院版之行政訴訟法修正草案亦予以增修。惟近年來行政法院實務對此一議題,累積了不少重要裁判,本文旨在分析其中對於一般給付訴訟與其他行政訴訟種類關聯之見解,並對若干值得商榷之處提出探討。按一般給付訴訟定位之混淆,主要係因為實務上對於在行政契約中關係中,並不妨礙行政機關基於法令作成行政處分,從而進一步限縮因行政契約關係所生之爭議提起一般給付訴訟的範圍,此一現象恐非在行政訴訟法修正的立法政策上所能解決,主要是涉及法理之解釋問題。本文認為除行政契約的基礎法律關係,諸如成立、終止或解除,皆不應以行政處分的方式形成之外,行政契約關係中,行政機關基於法令作成行政處分之範圍,應以裁罰性行政處分及行使公法上返還請求權為限。
英文關鍵詞: administration litigation of performancerevoke and commandadministrative contractsadministrative disposition
英文摘要: The administration litigation the top of the method pays litigation generally with other of the connection of the administration litigation category, though the administration litigation Act of Article 8 certainly have clear statement, the administration litigation method of the Judicial Yuan version revises drafted plan to also increase to fix. However in recent years actual situation in the administration court to this subject, accumulated a few importance assize, this text aim at analytical among them for general benefit litigation and the other administration litigation category connection of views, and to some worthy of business put forward a study. Press general benefit litigation fixed position it confuse, mainly is because the top of the actual situation for relate to in the administration contract in, don’t hinder the administration organization to make disciplinary sanction according to the ordinance, limit thus and further because of administration contract relation get of the controversy bring up to pay generally litigation of scope, this phenomenon revises in the administration litigation method perhaps and not of the top of the lawmaking policy can resolve, mainly is involve the hermeneutic problem of the legal theory.This text thinks in addition to the foundation law of the administration contract relates to such as establish, terminating or relieving, all shouldn’t become an outside by disciplinary sanction, administration the contractual relation is medium, the administration organization makes the scope of the disciplinary sanction according to the ordinance, should take cutting to punish sex disciplinary sanction and exercising public laws to return to still request power up as to limit.
目  次: 壹、前言
    1. 勞工保險事件
    2. 公教人員保險事件
    3. 教師聘約事件
    4. 全民健康保險特約醫事服務機構合約事件
    1. 行政契約的基礎法律關係,諸如成立、終止或解除,皆不應以行政處分的方式形成之
    2. 行政契約關係中,行政機關基於法令作成行政處分之範圍,應以裁罰性行政處分及行使公法上返還請求權為限
吳志光,論一般給付訴訟與其他行政訴訟類型之關聯-以行政法院實務見解為核心,輔仁法學,第 33 期,45-85 頁,2007年06月。