關 鍵 詞: |
國際私法;國際管轄權;布魯塞爾公約 I;歐體管轄規則 I;涉外勞動契約 |
中文摘要: |
本文從法國法上關於涉外事件國際管轄權之決定原則與具體判準出發,討論布魯塞爾公約 I 與歐盟管轄規則 I 之一般管轄權與特別管轄權規定。本文並以涉外勞動契約為例,說明國際管轄權決定之特殊考量。結論則從前述法國與歐體經驗,舉我國實務為例,說明國際相關規範可為我國未來修法之參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
Private International Law;International Jurisdiction;Brussels Convention I;EC Jurisdiction Regulation I;Transnational Labor Contract |
英文摘要: |
This essay, based on the French principles and criteria for deciding the international jurisdiction in international private disputes, tries to describe and to analyze the general jurisdiction and special jurisdiction in Brussels Convention I and the later EC Jurisdiction Regulation I. Taking the example of transnational labor contract, it also points out the specific considerations in such a decision for international jurisdiction. In the conclusion, along with the referring to relevant international regulations and some concrete cases in Taiwan, this essay urges a necessary revision of the Taiwanese International Private Law Code.
目 次: |
壹、前言:國際私法之管轄權概說 貳、法國國際私法之國際管轄權決定原則 一、管轄權決定之基本原則 二、管轄權決定之具體判定 參、一九六八年布魯塞爾公約 I 與歐體管轄規則 I 一、一般管轄 二、特別管轄 肆、法國國際私法上涉外勞動契約之特殊性質、準據法決定與國際管轄權決定 一、涉外勞動契約之特殊性質與契約準據法決定 二、歐體管轄規則 I 對於涉外勞動契約管轄權決定 伍、結論:法國經驗對我國法之啟示
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