關 鍵 詞: |
超越承擔過失;超越承擔罪責;過失犯 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Activity-Adoption Negligence;Activity-Adoption Liability;Negligence Offense |
英文摘要: |
This article aims to analyze the dogmatic structure of “activity-adoption negligence” (in German: Übernahmefahrlässigkeit) and intends to find a justifiable answer of its criminal liability. The author objects to the traditional viewpoint of “bringing forward the liability moment” and develops a new argument: As long as the negligent offender foresees or can foresee he lacks the ability to control possible risks caused by adopting a particular dangerous activity, he cannot assert that his criminal liability should be excused when he still adopts it and causes damages of others thereafter.
目 次: |
壹、導論 貳、過失犯「罪責」階層的基本概念 參、超越承擔過失與犯行前置說 一、犯行前置說 二、超越承擔過失的兩種類型 (一)行為人身體、精神障礙類型 (二)諮詢、資訊取得或準備義務類型 三、小結 肆、對犯行前置說的批判 一、構成要件行為的不當擴張 二、駕車肇事的過失責任問題 三、過失犯行為不法判定標準的紊亂 四、小結 伍、替代方案的選擇 一、單一過失概念? 二、行為罪責論的例外? 三、個人能力欠缺事由的不予考量? 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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