關 鍵 詞: |
重製權;數位暫時性重製;伯恩公約;三段式測試;著作權條約;歐體 2001 著作權指令;隨機存取記憶體;快速存取 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Reproduction Right;Digital Temporary Reproduction;the Berne Convention;Three-Step Test;WIPO Copyright Treaty;EC 2001 Copyright Directive;RAM;Caching |
英文摘要: |
The issue about reproduction right has been drawing the attention of scholars and practitioners of copyright law. In terms of the scope of reproduction right, there is no dispute in concluding the traditional reproduction acts are governed by reproduction right because those acts are made according to the purpose of reproduction. Nonetheless, in the era of digitalized technology, many reproduction acts, without the purpose of reproduction, are the necessary and indispensable result of using or operating technological facilities or media. They are incidental to technological facilities or media, and their purpose is to assist in functioning of the technological facilities or media. Moreover, compared with the traditional reproduction acts, the copies resulting from using or operating technological facilities or media are not easy for users of technological facilities or media to access. In other words, the reproduction content lacks of practicability, and the users are incapable of distributing these copies fixed in other media to the public. Finally, the quality of reproduction does not always correspond to the expectation of the public on the grounds that the reproduction resulting from using or operating technological facilities or media exists exclusively for the technological purpose. Based on the reasons mentioned above, it is necessary to further explore whether the reproduction resulting from using or operating technological facilities or media (hereinafter digital temporary reproduction) is within the scope of reproduction right under copyright law. Although the majority opinions under law scholars and practitioners tend to conclude that the digital temporary reproduction constitutes the reproduction under copyright law, this author will be reexaming the same issue according to the legislation gist and basic values under copyright law to clarify the possible misconception and resolve the dispute. In order to resolve the dispute about digital temporary reproduction under Taiwanese Copyright Act, Articles 3 and 22 under this Act have been amended by referring to EC 2001 Copyright Directive. However, on introducing the legal model of EU Law into Taiwanese legislation, not only are the drawbacks of EC 2001 Copyright Directive reflected in the related provisions under Taiwanese Copyright Act, but the misconception about EC 2001 Copyright Directive is also driving this Act to an inadequate status on the issue of digital temporary reproduction. In view of this situation, besides examining and commenting on the related provisions of the Taiwanese Copyright Act about digital temporary reproduction, this author will be providing the recommendations in the issue of digital temporary reproduction for revision of this Act in the future and the guideline for interpretation of this Act prior to revision to help the law scholars and practitioners resolve this issue.
目 次: |
壹、問題之提出—著作權法下數位暫時性重製議題的時代背景 貳、從國際公約觀點檢視數位暫時性重製是否該當為著作權法下之重製? 一、伯恩公約(Berne Convention)第九條第一項 二、世界智慧財產權組織著作權條約(WIPO Copyright Treaty)第七條草案之提出與刪除 三、國際公約立場之總結及檢討 參、從美國法觀點檢視數位暫時性重製是否該當為著作權法下之重製? 一、美國 1995 年白皮書(White Paper) 二、美國 1996 年世界智慧財產權組織外交會議之立場 三、美國判決之發展 四、美國法立場之總結及檢討 肆、從歐盟法觀點檢視暫時性重製是否該當為著作權法下之重製? 一、歐體 1995 年綠皮書(Green Paper) 二、歐盟 1996 年世界智慧財產權組織外交會議之立場 三、歐體相關指令(Directives)分析 四、歐盟法立場之總結及檢討 伍、從著作權法的本旨論暫時性重製之法律評價 陸、檢討並評論我國著作權法第二十二條之相關規定 一、我國立法模式仿照歐盟法可能之缺失 二、將電腦程式排除適用純屬對歐盟法之誤解 三、類型分類上之質疑 四、將「合法」列為適用要件之不宜 柒、未來修法或解釋適用的建議:代結論 一、修法之建議 (一)立法結構宜採本文除外模式 (二)刪除「電腦程式」之除外規定 (三)第二十二條第四項例示之再調整 (四)自「合法網路中繼性傳輸」及「合法使用著作」等文句刪除「合法」二字 二、修法前解釋適用之建議 (一)數位暫時性重製的舉證責任方面 (二)緩解「合法網路中繼性傳輸」及「合法使用著作」中「合法」文義所產生不當的效果方面 (三)解決「電腦程式」之暫時性重製議題
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