關 鍵 詞: |
國際私法;歐盟法;歐體法;歐盟國際私法;公共秩序;歐盟公共秩序 |
中文摘要: |
本文從傳統國際私法學理上公共秩序條款之地位與功能出發,討論歐盟國際私法發展中,歐盟公共秩序之形成過程、實際案例與未來展望。 本文指出三種類型之歐盟公共秩序。一為在歐盟條約與歐體條約中之公共秩序,以之為由得排除歐盟成員國法或歐盟成員國以外之外國法適用;二為歐盟各成員國公共秩序概念詮釋已受歐體條約詮釋影響者,得以之排除歐盟法或歐體法之適用;三則為傳統國際私法概念上,以歐盟成員國法上之公共秩序而排除其他成員國法之適用者,而此已落實於歐盟成員國間之國際條約,或是轉化成歐體衍生立法。 在歐盟國際私法發展已於各種準據法逐漸邁向統一之際,本文所討論歐盟公共秩序概念之調和,提出了調和之例外規定。但其考量,並不再是歐盟成員國固有之公共秩序觀,而應是融合歐盟條約與歐體條約規範目的之歐盟公共秩序觀。
英文關鍵詞: |
Private International Law;EU Law;EC Law;European Private International Law;L’ordre Public (Public Policy);European Public Policy (l’ordre public européen/communautaire) |
英文摘要: |
This article focuses on the process of formation, the cases and the perspectives of “European public policy” (l’ordre public européen/communautaire) in European private international law, basing on the discussions of the status and the function of l’ordre public in traditional private international law doctrines. The so-called “European public policy” could be analyzed in three types: first, l’ordre public in EU/EC Treaties, which could be justified as an exception for the non-application of EU Member states’ applicable laws or other ones outside the EU; second, l’ordre public in each of the EU Member states, of which the interpretations were influenced by the interpretations of EU/EC Treaties and which could be justified as an exception for the non-application of EU/EC Treaties; third, l’ordre public used by the EU Member states, as an exception for the non-application of other EU Member states’ laws, which was already codified in the international treaties among the EU Members states or in the EC secondary norms. Facing on the European trend that gradually unifies the applicable laws in private international law, this article also tries to propose a “harmonized” concept of l’ordre public in EU/EC. Notably, such a European public policy should not be a national conception of l’ordre public, but a harmonized one, which undertakes all the considerations in EU/EC Treaties.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、傳統國際私法上之公共秩序與歐盟國際私法及歐體法之挑戰 一、傳統國際私法上公共秩序之內涵與外延 二、歐盟國際私法之興起與歐體法上公共秩序之發展 (以下刊載本期) 參、歐盟國際私法上之公共秩序與其適用 一、歐盟公共秩序之形成與落實 二、歐盟公共秩序之擴充、解釋權歸屬與其他可能適用 肆、結論:歐盟國際私法之未來展望與歐盟公共秩序之詮釋問題
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