關 鍵 詞: |
加拿大投資法;外國投資審查法;經濟貿易;經費;不變期間;草案 |
中文摘要: |
The commitment of the Progrossive Conservative Government of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to increasing Canada's already major involvement in international commerce has resulted in a number of new legislative enactments. Chief among these is the Investment Canada Act. In this brief paper, I propose to provide an overview of the statute and an outline of its more important provisions. The Investment Canada Act represents a basic change in political phi1osophy from that of the former Liberal government of Pierre Trudeau The Act replaces the Foreign Investment Review Act promulgated during the mid 1970s by that Liberal government with a. new regime which does not so much "review" or "screen" beneficial investment in Canada as actively encourage and faci1itate it. Implementation of the new policy has been mandated (under the Financial Administration Act to a specialized agency known as "Investment Canada". Through simplification of procedural steps and elirnination of review where acquisitions are below stipulated cei1ings , the Agency is charged with encouraging investment in Canada by both Canadians and nonCanadians. The barriers to investing in Canada have been removed and many foreign tnvestorshave we1comedthe new Act and taken advantage of it during the brief period of time it has been in force.
目 次: |
I.Notification of Investments II.Review of Investments III.Review Procedure IV.Time Limits V.Conclusion
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