關 鍵 詞: |
歐洲法院;歐體權限分配;法律解釋;法律論證;整體協調性原則 |
中文摘要: |
本文第一部分,首先從歐洲法院未來可能角色之省思出發,對於歐洲法院之權限、組織與功能,以及歐洲法院與各國法院間之合作可能性加以論述。其次,則從法律解釋方法論上,論及整體協調性解釋方法與歐洲法院採用整體協調性解釋之必要。 本文第二部分則討論整體協調性之法律解釋方法之證成。首先以各種法律解釋方法不足之處,證成整體協調性解釋方法對於歐體法規範秩序可能之貢獻。其次以對歐洲法院目前採行各種解釋方法之檢視出發,證成整體協調性解釋方法對於歐洲法院與各成員國法院合作之協商主義之可能。
英文關鍵詞: |
European court of justice;Kompetenz-kompetenz;Legal interpretation;Legal reasoning;Coherence-based legal interpretation |
英文摘要: |
The first part of this article discusses the reflection of the role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), accompanying the discussions on the jurisdiction, the organization and the function of the ECJ, and on the possibilities of cooperation between the ECJ and the national courts of the Member States of the European Union. Besides, from the perspective of legal interpretation, it tries to define the “coherence-based legal interpretation” and urges a necessity for the ECJ to adopt this method. The second part tries to justify the coherence-based legal interpretation. First, it illustrates the deficiencies of contemporary methods of legal interpretation, for clarifying the necessity of adopting a coherence-based method. Further, it declares that the adoption of coherence-based legal interpretation will contribute to a better “consociationalism” between the ECJ and the national courts of the Member States.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、歐洲法院未來之角色功能與整體協調性解釋之必要 參、促進整體協調性之法律 肆、結論
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