關 鍵 詞: |
賠償責任;忠實義務;善良管理人注意義務;附條件之委任契約;掛名董事;不法行為;少數股東權;監察人;審計委員會;獨立董事 |
中文摘要: |
股份有限公司董事會受公司委託負責公司之經營,股東、甚至其他關係人,如公司員工、公司債權人等,當然期待董事能盡心盡力維護並追求公司利益,以保障相關人士之權益。若董事執行公司業務有違反法令或其應盡之義務致公司遭受損害者,其理應對公司負起相關之民事賠償責任。然而近年來國內公司雖然弊案不斷,不但造成投資大眾蒙受嚴重損失,公司本身亦深受其害,但由公司自己主動出面對失職董事追究民事賠償責任者,卻不多見。 因此,本文將探討公司主動對失職董事追究責任之有關規範及實務發展狀況。首先本文先介紹董事民事賠償責任之現行規範,其次就公司法第 27 條及掛名董事所衍生之責任歸屬加以分析,最後探討公司如何進行對失職董事責任之追究。至於股東為公司利益追究董事責任而自任原告所提起之代表訴訟,係屬股東訴追董事責任之行為,非由公司本身提起訴訟追究董事責任,因此「股東代表訴訟」並不在本文探討範圍內。
英文關鍵詞: |
Compensation for Damage;Duty of Loyalty;Duty of Care;Conditional Mandate Contract;Nominal Director;Delict;Minority Shareholder's Right;Supervisor;Audit Committee;Independent Director |
英文摘要: |
A board of directors of a company limited by shares is authorized by that company to be responsible for operating their business. Stockholders and even other parties such as employees or creditors, highly expect the directors can devote themselves to safeguard and pursue the interests of the company, and secure rights and interests of related parties. If the directors cause any damage to the company due to any breach of law or obligation, they shall undertake civil indemnity for the company. Recently, several domestic company scandals have caused serious damages not only to investors but also to companies themselves. However, it is still not common that the companies actively claim civil compensation from their directors who neglect their duties Therefore, standards and state of the practice of liability pursuit for a company to claim against delinquent directors are discussed in this article. First of all, this article introduces current regulations for civil liabilities of directors. Second, article 27 of the Company Law and liabilities associated with nominal directors are investigated. Finally, how a Company takes legal actions against their delinquent directors is discussed. As for the case in which shareholders act as complainants to claim against the directors for liabilities on the basis of the company's interests, it is regarded as an action of the shareholders but not the company. As a result, "Shareholders' Representative Suit" case is not included in this article.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、董事對公司民事賠償責任之規範 一、公司法規定 (一)針對公司特定事務之列舉規定 (二)未針對公司特定事務之概括性規定 二、民法規定 三、其他法律規定 參、責任之歸屬 一、公司法第 27 條所衍生之責任歸屬 (一)政府或法人股東依第 27 條第 1 項取得董事職務者 (二)政府或法人股東依第 27 條第 2 項取得董事職務者 (三)小結 二、掛名董事之責任歸屬 肆、公司對董事責任追究之決定與進行 一、董事責任尚未被解除 二、公司提起訴訟追究董事責任 (一)追究對象為現任董事者 (二)追究對象為卸任董事者 三、公司以訴訟外的方式追究董事責任 伍、結論
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