關 鍵 詞: |
物權法;地役權;地役權之從屬性 |
中文摘要: |
之所以規定地役權具有從屬性,地役權從屬於需役不動產之所有權,是為了將地役權與人役權做區別之用,以防止破壞物權法定主義、使舊物權復活。而民法物權編修正草案將地役權之客體修改為不動產,使需役不動產亦由土地擴展至建物,從此地役權成為不動產役權。在修正草案第 859 條之 3 之規範下,使用益物權人及具物權化效力之承租人亦得為不動產役權人,此般不動產役權應從屬於該使用收役權能;在修正草案第 85 1條之 1 的規範下,同一不動產上有不動產役權者,不妨成立其他不動產役權,只是後設定之不動產役權,不得妨害先設定之不動產役權,亦即數不動產役權之關係均以物權優先效力定之,如此規定雖然簡單明瞭且符合法律邏輯,然而本文認為,由於修正草案地 859 條之第 2 項不動產役權消滅從屬性之規定足以保護先次序的不動產役權人,且不動產役權係對於需役不動產對於供役不動產便宜之利用,而利用者則為真正使用、收益需役不動產之人,因此應以其所設定之不動產役權效力優先,此時,其他不動產役權呈睡眠狀態,直至不動產役權與其使用、收益權消滅共同消滅時,即可甦醒。因此於同一不供役動產為同一需役不動產設定數不動產役權時,各不動產役權之優先效力,應以真正使用、收益需役不動產之人為何者為斷,而非均以物權優先效力為更據,是為妥當。
英文關鍵詞: |
Property Law;Servitude;Subordination of Servitude |
英文摘要: |
Servitude is the right to use the land of another person for the convenience of one's own land. It is designed to be subordinate to the ownership of the dominant land and not to a specific person. Otherwise old property rights may revive by way of personal servitude. The Revision Draft of property law extends the object of servitude from land to real property, so it will become servitude in real property. According to article 859-3 of Revision Draft of property law, not only the owner of usufructuary right but also the lessee have the right to acquire servitude. Therefore servitude in real property is actually subordinate to the right to use the dominant real property. Moreover, according to article 853-1 of Revision Draft, when a servitude has existed already, another servitude still can exist on the same real property, provided that the later does not have an adverse effect on the former. This rule, the conflict between several servitudes should be resolved by the principle of priority of rights, is simple and logically right, but in this article I suggest that the servitude of the user of a real property should have the priority, because article 859-2has provided sufficient protection for the former servitude and the user is the one who actually has the right to use the dominant real property. In the meanwhile other servitudes are sleeping until the former servitude and the right to use a real property do not exist anymore.
目 次: |
壹、問題之提出 貳、不動產役權發生上之從屬性 一、修正草案與不動產役權發生上之從屬性 二、修正草案中數不動產役權之競合 三、發生上從屬性與不動產役權之取得 (一)基於法律行為取得不動產役權 (二)基於時效取得不動產役權 參、不動產役權移轉上之從屬性 肆、不動產役權消滅上之從屬性 伍、不動產役權從屬性之緩和 結語
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