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家庭暴力被害經驗與青少年偏差行為關係之研究 (Family Violence Victimization as an Influential Cause to Juvenile Deviance)
編著譯者: 鄭瑞隆
出版日期: 2001.12
刊登出處: 台灣/犯罪學期刊第 8 期/215-246 頁
頁  數: 25 點閱次數: 1079
下載點數: 100 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 鄭瑞隆
關 鍵 詞: 家庭暴力青少年偏差行為
中文摘要: 本研究以 2,729 名少年(含犯罪少年與一般少年)為對象,進行家庭暴力被害經驗調查與偏差行為自陳報告調查,對於家庭暴力被害經驗導致青少年偏差或犯罪行為的影響路徑,得到重要的發現。家庭暴力被害經驗直接造成青少年偏差或犯罪行為的作用力較小,而是先造成被害少年的生理傷害與心理創傷,導致少年以負面的行為加以因應,負面因應行為導致少年偏差或犯罪行為的作用力則相當大,整體而言,家庭暴力被害經驗透過生理心理傷害,與負面因應行為,對少年偏差或犯罪行為之預測力達 31.5%。因此,本研究認為,減少家庭暴力被害經驗可以減少青少年從事偏差或犯罪行為的機率。家庭暴力被害經驗若造成青少年有明顯的生理傷害,以及負面的因應行為,則青少年將來從事偏差行為與犯罪行為的機率較高。對於遭受家庭暴力傷害的青少年,如果能夠獲得即時的專業介入幫助,減少他們以負面行為來因應被害,則可減低青少年從事偏差或犯罪行為的機會。根據研究發現,本文提出建議作為防治家庭暴力與少年偏差行為的參考。
英文摘要: Family violence victimization as an influential factor to juvenile deviance has long been widely discussed by many foreign researchers, but no more than three empirical studies which focused on the topic so far in Taiwan. The present research aims to fill this gap. Twenty-seven hundred and twenty - nine adolescents, who are juvenile delinquents and general high school students, were sampled to answer two questionnaires, Family Violence Victimization Survey and Deviant Behavior Self-Report. The influential path which shows the way that family violence victimization causes juvenile deviant or criminal behaviors is identified and tested.
Family violence victimization has little direct effect to juvenile deviant or criminal behaviors. However, it begets juvenile deviance or criminal behaviors by intervening variables, such as psychological damages, physical harms, and negative coping behaviors. Overall, these four variables can predict juvenile delinquency or deviance by 31.5 percent. Two modes of influential path from family violence victimization to juvenile delinquency were also established. If children and adolescents take negative coping behaviors to respond to their victimization, such as fighting back, suicide, hurting themselves, runaway, truancy, drug abuse, the risk toward behavioral deviance or delinquency will be very high. Therefore, the researcher suggests that professional interventions to abusive families and the abused children are in an urgent need to prevent the young victims from stepping on the rim of deviance and delinquency.
目  次: 壹、緒論
鄭瑞隆,家庭暴力被害經驗與青少年偏差行為關係之研究,犯罪學期刊,第 8 期,215-246 頁,2001年12月。