關 鍵 詞: |
重傷;輕傷;傷害;毀敗;嚴重減輕;視能;語能;味能;嗅能;肢體機能;生殖機能 |
中文摘要: |
司法上有關傷害之認定,一方面受限於時間因素,再則受限於醫療專業之不足,因此,在傷害之認定上,法、醫兩界一向密切合作,由醫界提供專業認定素材,再由法界依職權判定是否係刑法上之「傷害」,再判斷究屬「輕傷」抑或「重傷」。 由於刑法上有關傷害,乃至於重傷之認定,具有高度之專業性,本文之目的,希望藉由刑法有關傷害之立法沿革,以及近百年來司法實務之累積經驗,作為反省之素材;並透過與醫界之對話,期望能為司法實務提供可行之意見。
英文關鍵詞: |
serious injury;slight injury;injury;destroy;detract seriously;vision ability;ability of speaking;ability of taste;ability of smell;the functions of the hand and foot;fecundity |
英文摘要: |
Because of the factor of time and medical specialization, the court while judging the injury, must to ask the medical organization to support the suggestion, and then to Judge it is finally “serious injury” or “slight injury”. For the suggestion of offering the judicial practice to deal with cases, this article goes to arrange the legislative course about the injury of criminal law, and analyses the opinion of the judicial practice about 100 years.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、我國刑法傷害概念之立法沿革 參、重傷概念之檢討 肆、重傷解釋之難題 伍、結語
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