關 鍵 詞: |
大學評鑑;評鑑認可制;美國法學院;美國律師協會;新興法律系;法學教育 |
中文摘要: |
台灣從二○○六年起,教育部開始如火如荼地進行全國大學的大學評鑑。其中,也會對大學中的各個科系直接進行評鑑,而法律系也是被評鑑的對象之一。 而根據教育部的做法,若第一次評鑑未通過,以招生名額減半作為處罰,第二次評鑑再不通過,則以停止招生作為懲罰。以目前公布的四次評鑑結果來看,近十年來成立的新興法律科系,主要就是財經法律系,評鑑的結果都不甚理想。 目前教育部所學習的評鑑認可制,其實就是學習美國的評鑑認可制。而在美國的評鑑制度中,法學院的評鑑,算是一種專門機構評鑑,是由美國律師協會負責辦理。 因而,本文進一步研究,究竟美國 ABA 的法學院認可制度,其運作方式為何,有何懲罰機制。更重要的是,在這樣的制度下,會造成何種效果。在研究美國的評鑑制度與效果後,再回來比較台灣所採行的評鑑制度與效果,從中找到一些啟發。
英文關鍵詞: |
The Evaluation of University;Accreditation;Law Schools;American Bar Association;Legal Education |
英文摘要: |
From 2006 onwards, the Ministry of Education started to evaluate (through accreditations) all universities in Taiwan. Ministry of Education evaluated the various departments in the universities, and the law departments were also the target of evaluation. According to the Ministry of Education’s sayings, if any department not be accredited the first time, its enrollment quota will be cut half. If the same department not be accredited second time, its enrollment quota will be zero. Over the past 10 years, the new legal departments be approved to set up are mainly financial law departments. But the financial law departments are unlikely be accredited. In fact, the current evaluation system imitates the United States accreditation system. In the United States, the accreditation of the Law School is a specialized agency accreditation handled by the American Bar Association (referred to ABA). This paper decided to further study how the United States ABA accreditation operates and its punishment mechanism. More importantly, in such a system, what effect will be? We will compare the effects and laws of the ABA’s system with Taiwan to find some inspiration.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、台灣法律系所的管制 參、美國法學院評鑑認可制度 肆、法學院評鑑認可制度追求的目的 伍、評鑑認可制度的經濟效果 陸、競爭法挑戰 柒、美國與台灣評鑑制度與效果之比較 捌、結論
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