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民法特殊侵權行為之因果關係邏輯與歸責 (The Logics of Causation and the Liability in Special Torts)
編著譯者: 吳志正
出版日期: 2009.04
刊登出處: 台灣/東吳法律學報第 20 卷 第 4 期/149-212 頁
頁  數: 63 點閱次數: 4880
下載點數: 252 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 東吳大學 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 侵權行為特殊侵權行為因果關係邏輯充要條件連言式命題選言式命題歸責損害賠償
中文摘要: 民事法上損害賠償之債,以有損害之發生及有責任原因之事實,並二者間有因果關係為成立要件。因果關係與可歸責性二項,即構成「矯正正義」哲思下責令加害人對被害人損害賠償之理性基礎。特殊侵權行為縱然於規範要件上異於通常侵權行為,然而,論及賠償責任成立之理性基礎,二者實無二致。

英文關鍵詞: TortSpecial TortCausationLogicsEssential ConditionSufficient ConditionConjunctive ConditionDisjunctive ConditionLiability
英文摘要: The nuclear dogma “no causation means not any liability at all” stemmed from the philosophy “Corrective Justice” in civil law make it essential in every liability actions to establish the exact causation connection, nevertheless the always problematic elements of tort law, between alleged wrongdoing and the injury complained of.
Admittedly the causation inquiry is definitely the most difficult and challenging task encountered, especially in the shift from common to special forms of tort liability, such as multiple tortfeasors and liability for damages caused by others (employees, minors, and independent contractors), animals, vehicles, goods, or dangerous business or activities etc., as herein proposed in our Civil Code §§185~191-3(what we called “special torts”), which have gained and will keep harboring overwhelming importance in the rising litigations of the contemporary or near future juridical context due to the facing us changing trends of tort patterns.
This article first elucidates briefly the fundamental regulations of logics and liability in civil laws, holding that the different causational logic structure implies the distinct liability respectively, and therewith attempts to illustrate in depth the way they are manipulated systemically in our Civil Code §§185~191-3, with special emphasis on the crucial application of “sufficient condition” and “necessary condition” coordinately in building up the logically concretely structured “conjunctive condition” and “disjunctive condition”, which will definitely help to grasp the unabridged integrated causation process complicated characteristically by multiple conditions herein. Furthermore, an impeccable detailed causation inference makes understood the distinct way the shift from individual to group and special patterns of responsibility and consequently makes it feasible for us to apply the laws more accurately and settle the disputes confidently. Hopefully this attempt will help and the fairness and justice of jurisdiction can finally be realized in “special torts” litigations.

目  次: 壹、前言
一、民法第 185 條—共同侵權行為人責任
二、民法第 187 條—法定代理人責任
三、民法第 188 條—僱用人責任
四、民法第 189 條—定作人責任
五、民法第 190 條—動物占有人責任
六、民法第 191 條-工作物所有人責任
七、民法第 191 條之 1 -商品製造人責任
八、民法第 191 條之 2 -動力車輛駕駛人責任
九、民法第 191 條之 3 -危險工作或活動責任
吳志正,民法特殊侵權行為之因果關係邏輯與歸責,東吳法律學報,第 20 卷 第 4 期,149-212 頁,2009年04月。