關 鍵 詞: |
科技保護措施;防盜拷措施;接觸權;世界智慧財產權組織;著作權條約;準著作財產權性;合理使用;合併原則;場景原則;非法交易 |
中文摘要: |
為因應數位電子時代著作權侵害之猖獗,國際間著作權法發展出科技保護措施之相關保護規定,旨在抑制或降低著作權侵害之危險。我國亦於西元 2004 年透過著作權法第 80 條之 2 之修法,引入科技保護措施之相關保護規定。由於科技保護措施之相關保護規定本身在著作權法體系下的定位不明,且由規範內容觀之,似著作權人得就未經允許之科技保護措施規避行為,尋求與傳統著作權侵害相類似之法律救濟,但卻無須受限於傳統著作權法保護適格與適用限制之相關規定,無形中使得科技保護措施相關規定成為著作權法體系下之「巨怪」,進而傳統著作權法對於著作權人與著作使用者間所建立之法益平衡,即有崩解之虞,此科技保護措施相關規定所表現之屬性,本文稱之為「準著作財產權性」。本文之目的即在於藉由法學方法之運用,令科技保護措施相關規定能接受傳統著作權法保護適格與適用限制之檢驗,緩和前述之「準著作財產權性」,一方面重建著作權法之利益平衡,另一方面也賦予我國著作權法第 80 條之 2 之最適詮釋,供今後司法實務及行政運作之參考。
英文關鍵詞: |
technical protection measures;anti-copy measures;access right;World Intellectual Property Organization;the Copyright Treaty;quasi-copyright attribute;fair use;the merger doctrine;scenes a faire;trafficking |
英文摘要: |
In response to rampant copyright infringement under electronic and digital era, the norm about technical protection measures has been developed in international copyright law to inhibit or reduce the risk of copyright infringement. To follow the international trend, the provision of technical protection measures was enacted on to Taiwanese Copyright Act as Article 82 ter in 2004. However, it is obscure how the provision of technical protection measures is incorporated into copyright law due to its unique characteristics. In view of the provision of technical protection measures, it seems that the copyright owner could seek law remedies similar to traditional copyright infringement, without concerning limitations of copyrightability and fair use under traditional copyright law. As a consequence, in such way, the provision of technical protection measures would become “paracopyright", jeopardizing the interest balance between the copyright owner and the user of works established under traditional copyright law. The characteristics of the provision of technical protection measures, leading to “paracopyright", are named as “quasi-copyright attribute” under this article. The purpose of this article is to assuage the negative effects resulting from “quasi-copyright attribute” of the provision of technical protection measures, by applying limitations of copyrightability and fair use under traditional copyright law through legal interpretation. On the one hand, this treatment is expected to rebuilt the interest balance under copyright law. On the other hand, this treatment would provide the optimal interpretation of Article 82 ter of Taiwanese Copyright Act for reference of future judicial and administration decisions.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、科技保護措施保護於著作權法之誕生及其發展 一、科技保護措施法律思維之起源 二、科技保護措施法律思維之實踐 參、科技保護措施相關規定之準著作財產權性與該定性之緩和 一、科技保護措施相關規定之準著作財產性對於著作權法利益衡量結構之衝擊 二、科技保護措施相關保護規定之準著作財產性之緩和法理 肆、以準著作財產權性之緩和法理檢討我國著作權法第 80 條之 2 一、適用之權利類型 二、適用主體 三、構成要件 四、適用限制 五、法律效果及民事救濟 伍、結論
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