關 鍵 詞: |
證明度;裁量評價權;程序利益保護原則;舉證責任;程序權保障;羈束裁量 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
employees’ invention;employer’s shop right;shop right;patent right;employment contract |
英文摘要: |
Nowadays the intellectual property portfolio generated by the employed personnel is main capital for most enterprises. On one hand, employees engaging in R&D activities shall be given every encouragement and recognition. On the other hand, the employers taking risks with enormous investment in R&D also play a major role in promoting innovation. Therefore, the proper balance of rights of employed inventors and employers needs to be considered. This issue embraces contradictory legal principles, including patent law, contract law and labor law, which are somewhat controversial and discussed recently at international level. This article focuses upon the legal framework of patent law regarding inventions invented by employees in Taiwan. Important issues in this field, including the definition of employees’ inventions and free inventions, employer’s shop right to use the free inventions and enforceability of contracts relating to employees’ inventions, are reviewed in detail. Proper solutions and suggestions are also submitted.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、專利制度本質與僱傭關係之發明權益衡量 一、專利制度本質 二、僱傭關係之發明權益衡量 參、職務發明 一、職務發明之認定 二、職務發明之權益 肆、僱傭期間之非職務發明 一、狹義的非職務發明 二、業務經驗發明 三、受僱人之通知義務 伍、僱傭關係終了始完成之發明 一、不適用專利法之規定 二、受僱人可能構成僱傭契約之債務不履行 三、專利法或可增訂保障僱用人權益之程序規定 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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相關論著: |