關 鍵 詞: |
單一選區兩票制;選區劃分;比例選舉制;門檻條款;選舉平等 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Single-Constituency-Two-Votes System;the arrangement of constituencies;proportional representation system;threshold clause;equal protection in election |
英文摘要: |
If we examine our congressional election system pragmatically, we would attempt to deal with certain issues that emerge from the application of the elections. That means, under the Single-Constituency-Two-Votes System, the disputes lie in whether the distribution of seats and the arrangement of constituencies are in violation of the principle of equal protection. Secondly, as to the party proportional representation system, the issue should be if it is appropriate for the Constitution to clearly regulate the threshold of the distribution of the proportional representation system. The standard for examining these issues is pointed to the principle of equal protection in election, one of the principles of election. Nevertheless, the Amendment of the Constitution directly regulates the distribution of the seats of the congressmen, the underlying principle of the arrangement of constituencies and the threshold that uses the cities and counties as the basic units to require at least one congressman for each city or county, and the threshold that prescribes a 5% of the total vote for a party to participate in the proportional representation system. Therefore, the issues relating to our electoral system are not only disputes of constitutional interpretation, but also involved with the choice of constitutional policy. Since the clarity of the content and structure of the articles of the Constitution, the court thus has limited space for interpretation.
目 次: |
壹、問題提出與論述步驟 貳、選舉與選舉平等原則之關聯性 參、選舉平等原則對於選舉制度所提出之要求 肆、結論
相關法條: |
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