關 鍵 詞: |
適合性原則;適合性義務;金融商品;推介;金融服務法草案 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Suitability Obligation;Appropriateness;Suitability;Financial Products |
英文摘要: |
In September, 2008, one of the largest investment bank in the U.S.--the Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection. Major financial institutions possessing Lehman’s structured notes have been entangled in the exposure of approximately 100 billion U.S. dollars. Fortunately, in U.S., Europe of Japan, structured notes, with the threshold regarding the minimum amount of purchase, are sold merely to institutional or sophisticated investors. This setting, more or less, restricts market entrance so as to ensure market participants’ capability and capacity in risk assumption. In Taiwan, nevertheless, such complicated-in-nature products are permitted to market to unsophisticated individual investors whose proficiency and knowledge with respect to such products remains limited even though having read the prospectus and other disclosure documents related to risks involved. Without considering their own capacity of risk bearing, investment objectives and financial status, unsophisticated investors are likely to suffer the loss beyond their maximum tolerance. Hence, the issue facing the financial regulators is: In the case of intricate investment subjects like the structures notes, does simply imposing the duty of risk disclosure suffice the protection of unsophisticated investors; or, in addition to the duty of disclosure, financial institutions marketing such labyrinthine products are of the obligation to assess and determine whether an investment subject is suitable for each particular investor in accordance with their financial status, experience of past investments, investment objectives and capability of risk bearing. Nations and Regions with relatively stable financial markets like the U.S. and the European Union both embrace the later position. Although Article 31 of the Draft of Financial Service Act in Taiwan contains also financial institutions’ suitability obligation during the recommendation and marketing of investment products, its context is relatively rough and provides limited shelter for investors comparing to similar legislations in the U.S. and the European Union,. This paper attempts to propose recommendations for the supplement and amendments of Taiwanese Draft through the comparative legal studies.
目 次: |
壹、序論 貳、適合性原則之理論基礎與內涵 一、理論基礎 二、適合性原則之內涵 参、美國法關於適合性原則之規範內容 一、法律與行政規範 二、適合性原則適用之相關案例 三、自律規範 四、小結 肆、歐盟金融商品市場指令及英國相關法規 一、歐盟金融商品市場指令 二、英國法關於適合性原則之規範內容 三、小結 伍、金融監理聯合論壇「金融商品與服務顧客適合性原則報告書」 一、適合性要求(Suitability Requirement)之具體內容 二、監理官之角色與任務 陸、台灣金融服務法草案第三十一條及相關規定之內容及評述 一、現行金融商品銷售監理之法規環境 二、金融服務法草案第三十一條之內容 三、綜合評析 柒、結論與建議
相關法條: |
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