關 鍵 詞: |
契約基礎條款;嚴格遵守原則;擔保條款;確認擔保條款;確認特約條款;純粹契約基礎條款;非純粹契約基礎條款 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Basis of the contract clauses;Principle of strict compliance;Warranties;Affirmative warranties;Affirmative special provisions;Pure basis of the contract clauses;Non-pure basis of the contract clauses |
英文摘要: |
The purpose of this article aims not only at portraying current basis of the contract clauses practitioners of insurance industry in Taiwan use frequently and relevant dilemmas, but also at submitting a solution to these issues. In practice, basis of the contract clauses in insurance policies of Taiwan can be roughly divided into two groups: pure basis of the contract clauses and non-pure basis of the contract clauses, a classification this article fashions. The latter triggers ambiguous and uncertain interpretation of courts. Moreover, a lack of parol evidence rule in Civil Code of Taiwan even aggravates the dilemma. Prior to abolishment of affirmative special provision of Insurance Law of Taiwan, this article proposes administrative and judicial ways to mitigate aforementioned predicaments: the former is via screening mechanism set forth in Guideline of the Procedure Prior to Selling Insurance Products. Regulators should have to require insurers to delete basis of the contract clauses, whether pure or not, in insurance policies. The latter is through principles of interpretation by courts. Courts should adopt different principles of interpretation when dealing with disparate type of basis of the contract clauses. Whether contracts belong to adhesive contracts or not also has a significant impact on manner in which courts construct basis of the contract clauses. This article reckons that both administrative and judicial measures will facilitate the goal of consumer protection.
目 次: |
壹、問題之提出 貳、確認擔保條款概述 一、擔保條款之源起 二、確認擔保之內涵 三、確認擔保條款之重要特徵 參、契約基礎條款之簡介 一、契約基礎條款意義 二、契約基礎條款之沿革考察 三、契約基礎條款之運作弊端 肆、英蘇法律委員會對契約基礎條款之改革提案 一、消費者保險契約之契約基礎條款存廢 二、企業經營者保險契約之契約基礎條款存廢 伍、我國契約基礎條款之實務現況及弊端 一、我國契約基礎條款之實務現況 二、我國契約基礎條款之實務現況及理論缺失 陸、我國契約基礎條款之改革方向 一、行政層面 二、司法層面 柒、結論
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
相關函釋: |
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