關 鍵 詞: |
專利強制授權;專利行政程序;增進公益之非營利使用;利益衡量;程序參與範圍;專家參與;組織適法性;程序正當性 |
中文摘要: |
在專利法上,為了追求專利權人的保護及公益的維護,訂有專利強制授權的制度,如此的要求,也為我國專利法第 76 條第 1 項所承認,而為申請專利強制授權的事由之一。類似如此的強制授權規定亦於與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定(TRIPS)第 30 條 b 項訂有明文。然而,專利專責機關於進行是否准予申請人之申請之際,本身也是行政程序的一環,在專利法或專利相關法規訂有明文時,當然要適用專利法的規定,於專利法及其相關法規未有明文時,本來即應回歸行政程序法的規定予以適用。惟行政程序法的規定在解釋上也容有許多解釋的空間,是以,專利專責機關在決定時,應對「增進公益之非營利使用」之事由有充分的理解;而從行政程序正當性的角度觀察現行制度對於如此程序的進行,無論是「程序正當性」或「組織適法性」,也都有進一步檢討的空間。對此,本文也將於解釋論及立法論上,對此等核定的程序提出具體的建議,使我們將來運用或研修此等法制之際更為成熟。
英文關鍵詞: |
The compulsory authorization of Patent;the administrative procedure of patent;making non-profit-seeking use of a patent for enhancement of public welfare;the balance of interests;the scope of procedure participation;expert participation;due procedure;legitimate organization |
英文摘要: |
In order to protect both patent applicants and public interest, we have the system of compulsory authorization in Taiwan’s Patent Act Article 76 (1), one of clauses to improve compulsory authorization. The similar clause is also rules in Agreement on Trade-Relted Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) article 30 (b). When the patent agency decides whether to give applicant patent for patents or not, it is still one of the administrative procedures. When Patent Law or relative rules do not rule the procedure, we need to apply the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). But when we apply the APA, we could have a lot of explanations. Therefore, we should actually understand the clause of “making nonprofit- seeking use of a patent for enhancement of public welfare”, and especially regarding “Global Interest”, this conception need to include the “Global Interest” .And observing the implementation from the view of Due Process, whether “due procedure” or “legitimate organization”, we have something to s ay. In this article, we provide some suggestions for the procedure of compulsory authorization in Patent Act from interpretations of law and policies of legislation, we hope it could make the practice better and allow the rules of patent Act to become more mature in the future. Let the rules in Patent Act more mature in the future.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、強制授權核定的基礎理論 一、強制授權的制度依據 二、以「增進公益之非營利使用」為強制授權原因的體系地位 參、強制授權核定之程序正當性要求 一、何謂「程序正當」? 二、行政程序法中的程序要求 三、強制授權制度與行政程序法中參與的不同考量 肆、以「增進公益之非營利使用」為強制授權原因之程序機制的建構 一、「增進公益之非營利使用」事由的解釋 (一)「公益」概念的介紹 (二)增進公益之非營利使用與其他事由的關係 (三)「增進公益之非營利使用」的利益衡量事項 二、強制授權制度的程序機制-兼論現行法及草案 三、現行強制授權程序的缺失-以日本法為比較對象 (一)日本特許法的程序機制 (二)我國與日本專利強制授權程序之異同 (三)我國專利強制授權的程序缺失及立法論上程序的再建構 四、強制授權正當行政程序的建構─解釋論的觀點 (一)申請人資格的確定 (二)程序參與廣度的判斷 伍、結語
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