關 鍵 詞: |
言論自由;平等權;管制行為;公共電視;數位匯流;批判政治經濟學;俘虜理論 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
the Freedom of Speech;the Right or Equal Protection;the behave of regulation;Public Television;Digital Convergence;Critical Politic Economics;capture theory of Regulation |
英文摘要: |
The Article 11 of the Constitution guarantees the people's freedom of speech, publication, writing and teaching. According to the viewpoint of Grand Justices and scholars, the freedom of speech also contains freedom of opinion via radio or television broadcast media, freedom of communications, and freedom of press. Facing the problems of the growing complex media, deregulation becomes the world trend in recent year. The main causes are the respect of freedom of speech, and the theory of marketplace: the regulation of the government may violate freedom of speech, and distort the order of the market. However, people point out that the media market is different from the economics market in the nature. Besides, if we indulgedmedia, some people didn't have had reasonable communication right. For solving this controversial, The Scholars think that the government can regulate the media with Legitimacy in the Constitution. As mentioned earlier, the freedom of media can't disturb people's freedom of speech and citizenship, so the government has the duty to ensure the value. As to ensure that, the government must regulate the commercial media strictly and protect the minority in effect. However, the re-Regulation Doctrine is not perfect. It also has many problems. This study doesn't think that the meaning of regulation only includes that the government commands the media to undertake the responsibility. So this study considers that the Public Television System can be the best choice to solve this question.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、市場論之律雄不足 一、市場論之源起 (一)市場論為言論自由之理論基礎 (二)早期管制基礎流失 二、市場論之問題 (一)市場可能助長現有偏好 (二)市場無法完全排除蘭介入 (三)意見自由市場之假設並不成立 參、廣電媒體再管制之理論基礎 一、廣電媒體屬於「雙元」市場 (一)一般的市場認知 (二)廣電媒體的市場展性 二、批判政治經濟學的市場觀點 (一)批判政治經濟學之定義 (二)從產權角度觀察廣電媒體市場 三、廣電市場多樣性與民主之確保 (一)槪說 (二)傳播多樣性(Diversity) (三)自由市場不等於多元 四、人民言論自由與通訊傳播自由之調和 (一)兩種權利的保障先後 (二)國家角色的再定位 (三)國家介入的憲法基礎 肆、新興廣電媒體管制方式 壹、命令式管制 (一)槪說 (二)命令管制之方式 二、導引式管制 (一)槪說 (二)自雜制 (三)結構管制 三、綜合式管制 伍、管制廣電媒體的缺點 壹、市場之存在仍有其價値 (一)廣播電視的多重任務 (二)管制與自由市場得分別呈現不同價値 二、國家管制之效果有限 (一)管制之效果並非絕對良好 (二)俘虜理論弱化管制效果 陸、代結語-可能的選擇:公共電視 一、管制具有多重意涵 二、以健全公共電視制度作為可能的管制選項
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