關 鍵 詞: |
通訊;傳播;通訊傳播自由;普及服務;技術中立原則;違憲審查;通訊事 |
中文摘要: |
通訊傳播這個辭彙近年來變得十分耳熟能詳。數年前,政府成立國家通訊傳播委員會,於此時期,也通過通訊傳播基本法。另外,司法院大法官會議第 613 號解釋也對通訊傳播自由有所提及。但是何謂通訊傳播自由,在法學上卻沒有清楚、明白的定義。由於通訊與傳播實屬不同的概念,所以,本文首先尌是要藉助通訊、傳播的區辨來闡述並類型化通訊傳播自由的內涵。 在闡述完通訊傳播自由的內涵後,本文將針對通訊事業的通訊傳播自由去設計一套違憲審查體系,來確保其基本權的實現。又,由於通訊領域有許多獨特且專業的管制,如普及服務、稀有資源的管制、技術中立原則等,本文也嘗試將這些專業管制融入該違憲審查體系中,讓該違憲審查體系更能貼近目前的通訊法制。
英文關鍵詞: |
telecommunication;broadcasting;freedom of communication;universal service;technological neutrality doctrine;judicial review;telecommunication undertaking |
英文摘要: |
The vocabulary, communication, has become so popular in recent year. Several years ago, the government established National Communication Committee, and passed the Communication Basic Law. Besides, The Judicial Yuan‘s Interpretation No. 613 has also mentioned the freedom of communication. However, the freedom of communication is still obscure in judicial area. Due to the difference of concepts between telecommunication and broadcasting, this article will explain the meaning of the freedom of communication at first by separating telecommunication from broadcasting. After explaining the meaning of freedom of communication, this article will construct a judicial review system for the freedom of communication of telecommunication undertakings in order to ensure the realization of their basic right. Moreover, there are many special and professional regulations in telecommunication area, for instance, universal service, the regulation of scarce resources, and technological neutrality doctrine. This article will try to blend these professional regulations into the judicial review system, so as to make the judicial review system fit in with present communication legal system.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、通訊傳播自由及其憲法保障 一、通訊與傳播的概念 (一)傳輸型態與內容管制的不同 (二)規範目的的不同 二、通訊傳播自由的憲法保護領域 (一)事業傳播自由 (二)人民傳播自由 (三)人民通訊自由 (四)事業通訊自由:本文以下探討核心 參、基本權功能建構下通訊事業通訊傳播自由的內涵 一、防禦權 二、共享權 三、組織與程序保障 四、國家保護義務 肆、通訊事業通訊傳播自由的違憲審查體系建構 一、通訊事業通訊傳播自由的侵害 二、通訊事業通訊傳播自由受侵害的阻卻違憲事由 (一)形式阻卻違憲事由:法律保留 (二)實質阻卻違憲事由 伍、結論
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