關 鍵 詞: |
環境保護;地方自治;碳稅;環境公課;地方稅法通則 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Environmental Protection;Local self-government;Carbon Tax;Umweltabgaben;Common Rules of the Local Tax Law |
英文摘要: |
In response to the global warming and carbon reduction campaign, the future of environmental protection has become an important issue. In addition to the central level, the local self-governments are based on the Common Rules of the Local Tax Law to levy Carbon Tax. There were Hualien County, Yunlin County and Kaohsiung city as examples. This article is the analysis based on Carbon Tax Autonomous Ordinance levying in Kaohsiung. To review the limit of the Central Authority to local legislative as the legal nature of the Central Ministry of Finance respectively the “reference”. Finally, to review the relationship between the local environmental taxes and other financial tools enable establish a comprehensive system of local Umweltabgaben.
目 次: |
壹、節能減碳的全民運動 貳、地方自治團體開徵碳稅的風起雲湧 一、雲林縣碳稅徵收自治條例(2006年) 二、花蓮縣碳稅徵收自治條例(2008年) 三、高雄市碳稅徵收自治條例(2009年) 參、高雄市碳稅徵收自治條例(草案)評析 一、制定理由 二、條文內容 三、簡評 肆、地方自治團體開徵碳稅之法律議題 一、「備查」的形式,「核定」的實質 二、地方自治團體課稅立法權監督的界限 伍、結語
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