關 鍵 詞: |
獨立機關;獨立性;專業性;分裂社會;管制匯流;管制效能;公平交易委員會 |
中文摘要: |
我國自 2004 年通過中央行政機關組織基準法承認獨立機關的組織型態,並於 2010 年修正行政院組織法,確定了三個二級獨立機關。但究竟怎麼樣的事務適合以獨立機關加以處理,在學理及實證法上都顯少論及,使得我國獨立機關的運作始終停留在比較法上「人云亦云」的狀況,法制上並沒有一套標準可循。對此,本文觀察全球諸多獨立機關的型態,對不同的獨立機關加以分類,並分析出不同類型獨立機關的設置基準及制度形貌。此外,也透過釋義學的方法,建構出不至於使獨立機關與我國憲政體制相齟齬的制度建議,並回歸到具體管制領域之一的公平交易事務做檢討。本文以為由於公平交易事務本身具有諸多高度專業領域的匯流,同時涉及高度的利益糾葛,加上我國國情的特殊考量,現制之下的公平交易委員會難以確保此等事務獨立性的要求。因此,以獨立機關做個案管制的修法方向可以追求管制效能,當值得肯定。除此之外,本文也於文中一併具體指明若干應一併予以變革的制度配套,以落實制度改革的本旨。
英文關鍵詞: |
Independent agency;Independent;Professional;Divided Society;Convergence of regulation;Efficiency of regulation;The Fair Trade Commission |
英文摘要: |
Taiwan has confirmed the institution of independent agency since Legislative Yuan approved the “Basic Code Governing Central Administrative Agencies Organizations” in 2004. In 2010, Legislative Yuan also revised the “Act of Executive Yuan’s organization”, confirmed three independent agencies. In Taiwan, there are few academic discussions about what kind of affairs need use independent agency to deal with, and laws also do not have clear stipulations. These situation let our country does not have any clear standard on using independent agency to regulate affairs or not. This article observes the operation of independent agencies in the world, and classifies it. Then I analyze the establish standards and the outline of institutions in both kinds. Besides, this article also uses the method of dogmatic, and provides institutional suggestions which conform to constitutional system in Taiwan. Finally, I will review the fair trade affair by the theory that established in this article. This article concludes because this affair has convergence among many kinds of high professional areas; intertwine many interest groups; the social contract in Taiwan. The Fair Trade Commission cannot ensure the independent of this affair in current rules. Therefore, this article approve article 9 of Act of Executive Yuan’s organization which had been revised in February, 2010. It could pursue the efficiency of regulation if Fair Trade Commission is an independent agency. Besides, this article also applies many necessary measures to fulfill the purpose of institutional reform.
目 次: |
一、問題之提出 二、獨立機關要素的建構 三、獨立機關管制公平交易事務的可行性 四、結語
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