關 鍵 詞: |
假設因果流程;合法替代行為;結果歸責;迴避可能性理論;風險升高理論;因果關係 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
hypothetical causality;hypothetical lawful conduct;consequence attribution;theory of avoidance;thoery of risk enhancement;causation |
英文摘要: |
This article discusses an interpretation problem concerning criminal negligence: hypothetical lawful conduct and its causation. First, the authors analyses and reviews the traditional theory: avoidability thesis, then criticizing both alternative resolutions proposed by courts and scholars: adequate theory and theory of enhanced risk. Lastly the author suggests a new way “realization of hypothetical allowed risk” to solve related cases.
目 次: |
壹、導論 貳、合法替代行為的論理基礎 一、過失犯不法階層的發展 二、合法替代行為與迴避可能性理論 三、迴避可能性理論的缺失 四、小結 參、其他解決途徑的檢討 一、相當因果關係否定說 二、風險升高理論 三、小結 肆、本文見解:假設容許風險實現理論 一、風險的容許界限與法益侵害迴避可能性 二、違反義務關聯性的判斷步驟 三、反省我國實務案例 四、小結 伍、結論
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