關 鍵 詞: |
教師升等;職業資格審查;升等審查原則;學術自由;職業自由;考試原則 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Qualifying for Lecturing in a University;Qualifying for Profession;the Principles by Qualifying for Lecturing;Freedom of Science;Freedom of Profession;Principles by Examination |
英文摘要: |
The Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 462 of July 31, 1998 interpreted the nature of qualifying for lecturing and the principles by qualifying for lecturing in Taiwan. Since this Interpretation are past ten years. But the requirements in this Interpretation are not completely followed until today. The reason why universities, especially the national universities, have not completely followed the requirements in this Interpretation is universities have less knowledge of the nature of qualifying for lecturing and the principles by qualifying for lecturing. In this background are explained the nature of qualifying for lecturing and discussed the principles by qualifying for lecturing according to the principle of legal state in this article.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、大學教師升等制度之性質 一、升等程序一職業資格審查程序 二、升等事項一國家事務 參、大學教師升等審查之原則 一、法律保留與授權明確性原則 二、法律明確性原則 三、比例原則 四、考試原則 五、恣意禁止原則 六、必要衡量原則 七、正當程序 肆、結論
相關法條: |
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