關 鍵 詞: |
空間權;空間利用權;空間(區分)地上權;建設用地使用權;排他效力;一物一權 |
中文摘要: |
由於經濟發展,人口集中,土地資源日益缺乏,幸而拜科技與建築技術之進步,土地之利用已不再侷限於傳統之地表面,而逐漸由地表擴展到地上、地下空間之區分層。於是,以規範地上和地下之特定橫切空間為中心之法制產生,學者稱之為空間法。 2007 年大陸《物權法》制定公佈,其第一三六條明確規定:「建設用地使用權可以在土地的地表、地上或者地下分別設立,新設立的建設用地使用權不得損害已設立的用益物權。」這是物權法第一次規定了空間權的概念。然而,此概念自萌芽至法制化的過程中,衍生諸多法理及立法爭議,本文首先就法理上之爭議,探討空間物權是否有違傳統一物一權主義之精神,及空間是否符合法律上之物的觀念。接著探討立法上之問題,主要焦點在於物權性之空間利用權之性質,其是否是一種新的獨立的物權類型?抑或是既有的物權種類中的一種?又,此空間利用權性質上認知之差異、導致立法模式有何不同?此外,作為空間權客體之"空間",其性質及所涵蓋之範圍為何?以下將分別論述。
英文關鍵詞: |
Space Right;Right of Use of the Space;Divided Superficies Right;Right of Use of the Land;Exclusive Effect;One Property One Right |
英文摘要: |
Due to economic development, population density, and the utilization of land expanding from ground level to above and under the ground usage, a legislation regulating a fixed scope of area was created and known by the academics as the Space Right Law. In the wake of 2007, Chinese Things Right Laws held, in article 136, first time in history the concept of Space Right. However, in the process since it was first introduced and up until the legislation was established, many controversies arouse regarding legislative and legal issues, and Chinese academics are still in process of discussion. Due to the time and length, the following will mainly be organizing and discussing partial matters with major emphasis on the characteristic of Space Right whether it is a new type of Things Right or an existing one. Moreover, the article will discuss the impact on legislative process due to the difference of its characteristic and, having “space” as the object of Space Right, the range that its characteristic will cover .
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、空間權之立法例 一、英美法系國家 二、大陸法系國家 三、我國之立法情形 參、空間權之法理上爭議 一、空間權與「一物一權主義」之關係 二、「空間」是否符合法律上之物的概念 肆、大陸空間權之立法上爭議 一、空間利用權之性質 二、大陸各草案版本之立法模式 三、大陸現行物權法之規定 伍、做為物權客體之空間範圍 一、大陸學者看法 二、我國學者看法 三、本文看法 陸、結論
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