關 鍵 詞: |
聯合國氣候變化綱要公約;京都議定書;全球環境機構;基金 |
中文摘要: |
全球環境機構(Global Environmental Facility, GEF)是聯合國於 1991 年建立的國際環境金融機構,目的是提供財務支援與無害技術移轉與開發中及低度開發國家,以協助其針對防止氣候變遷、保護生物物種、保護水資源、減少對臭氧層的破壞等之能力建置,以保護全球環境。聯合國氣候變化綱要公約亦指定此機構作爲協助開發中國家之財務支援機構。 礙於聯合國會員國資格之要求,台灣並無法以政治實體的身分參加並取得相關之協助,特別是廣泛涉及科學、經濟、社會等相關領域的防止氣候變遷議題。未能取得此一機構的支援會降低我國環境行政效率及能力、提高我國實施溫室氣體減量成本而損及全球競爭力。本文擬以討論氣候變遷議題爲主,從國際法之角度檢討並討論氣候變化綱要公約、京都議定書、馬拉喀什協定及全球環境機構等就開發中及低度開發國家申請財務支援的規範與限制;從中整理、瞭解對台灣所造成的實質限制,最後將建議我國公、私營部門如何在既有限制之下規劃策略,以取得實質參與全球環境治理之機會維持競爭力,並同時落實台灣的環境保護。
英文關鍵詞: |
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;Kyoto Protocol;Global Environment Facility;fund |
英文摘要: |
Global Environmental Facility (GEF) is an international institution established by United Nations in 1991 to provide financial supplement and transfer environment friendly technologies to developing and least developing countries. This financial institution assists those countries to develop their capacities on preventing climate change, protecting biodiversity, protecting water resources and decreasing the ozone depletion. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) also entrusted this institution as its financial mechanism to provide assistance to developing countries. Because of the limitation of membership of United Nations, Taiwan does not allow to enroll and enjoy the benefits of this mechanism as a political entity, especially on the scientific, social and economic issues relating to against the climate change. It could seriously reduce the administrative efficiency of our environmental policies in government and also damage our global economic competition for higher reduction cost on controlling greenhouse gases emissions. This article introduces the regulations and limitations on UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accord, and also reviews the requirements for applying assistances from this financial mechanism. The discussions could provide necessary information for Taiwanese public and private sectors to take necessary strategies and actions to participate the operations of the Global Environment Facility. The actual participation could not only protect our economic and environmental development but also provide opportunities for Taiwan to participate the global environment governance.
目 次: |
1. 全球環境機構簡介 1.1 成立歷史 1.2 組織結構與規模 1.3 全球環境機構與氣候變化綱要公約之關係 2. 公約財務機構之法律依據與資金來源 2.1 財務機制參加及被支援之對象 2.2 新且額外的財務資源(new and additional finance resources) 2.3 所有增加的費用(full incremental cost) 2.4 適當且充足(adequacy)及可預測性(predictability)原則 3. 全球環境機構所提供之額外資金來源 4. 台灣參與之限制 5. 結論
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