關 鍵 詞: |
性侵害;性騒擾;國家賠償法;教師;國民教育;實際知情;推定知情 |
中文摘要: |
本文欲研究學校教師對學生進行性侵害後,學校的賠償責任。目前我國只有兩起具體賠償案例,一為臺中謝姓老師性侵男童案,臺中地方法院判決所屬國小和縣政府需國家賠償。另一則案例則是引起媒體關注的花蓮田姓教師性侵女童案,後來引發監察院彈勤和糾正,花蓮縣政府也同意國賠。本文欲介紹美國最高法院四則代表判決,分別為 Cannon 案、Franklin 案、Gebser 案和 Davis 案,從這四個代表案例的介紹討論,來分析美國對類似問題校圜賠償貴任的發展。在介紹完美國判決後,再回頭比較我國學說與實務的見解。本文發現我國和美國對校圜賠償貴任的背後邏輯和使用法條依據並不相同,故本文進而深入分析,並提出建議。
英文關鍵詞: |
rape;sexual assault;national compensation;teachers;compulsory education;actual notice;constructive notice |
英文摘要: |
This study examines schools' liability for teachers' sexual assault on students. There have been two cases happened in Taiwan: One case is a teacher in Taichung sexually assaulted male pupils. The Taichung court ruled that the school and municipal government need to give national compensation to the pupils and families. The other case, which gathered media attention, happened in Hualian, where a teacher sexually assaulted female pupils. The Control Yuan impeached the school officials, and the municipal government in Hualian also pays national compensation to the pupils and families. This paper wants to introduce and discuss four cases from the U.S. Supreme Court, Cannon case, Franklin case, Gebser case, and Davis case, and compares those cases with Taiwan's laws and related cases. This paper does an in-depth study on this issue and provides several suggestions since reasoning and provisions of liability for and compensation for school sexual assault are different between Taiwan and the U.S.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、我國案例與實務見解 一、臺中謝姓老師性侵男童案 (一)事實 (二)臺中地院判決認為可以國賠 (三)臺中高院判決認為不屬行使公權カ (四)小結 二、花蓮田姓老師性侵女童案 ㈠事實 (二)縣政府國賠爭議 (三)小結 參、美國校園性騒擾學校賠償責任之發展 一、Cannon 案創設私人訴訟權 二、Franklin 案創設損害賠償請求權 三、Gebser 案確認損害賠償責任標準 四、Davis 案確認學生間性騒擾之學校責任 肆、兩國損害賠償責任之比較 一、求償權利基礎 二、公立學校為何適用國家賠償法 三、私立學校是否適用國家賠償法 四、為老師作為負責還是為學校主管不作為負責? 五、以民法作為求償依據 伍、結論
相關法條: |
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